
Thunder Storms !!!! O_O...?

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Ok, so its rainy season in my country and we've been have a lot more thunder storms than normal. A bit scared of them actually.

So here's my question:

They say that lighting never hit the same spot twice. It is safer to stay at a spot where lighting already struck?

Isnt't there a movie where some guys were saying "and thunder and lighting and thunder and lighting..."




  1. that saying is a lie

  2. It’s wrong to say lightning never strikes twice.

    One of the safest places of all (besides underground) is a car. A car is not safe because it has rubber tires (what a horrible myth); it is safe because the electrical current quickly disperses around the body of the car and into the ground very effectively (acts as a Faraday cage). A house is also quite safe but lightning has penetrated windows or traversed plumbing or electrical wires and killed people. That's why you are often told to stay off the phone and avoid showers or baths during electrical storms. If caught in the open, you should not seek cover under a tree especially lone trees in otherwise open areas. Instead your best safety measure is to crouch down (don't lie) as close to the ground as possible - hug your knees. Forget the other myth about rubber sneakers, they won't protect you in the least. This only scratches the surface of lightning safety - for more details, I highly recommend the Lightning Safety Institute website.

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