
Thunder and Lightning...

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I've never been scared of thunder and lightning storms before, but last week we had a huge thunder storm and I got so scared. We've been having them alot here (I'm in Ontario Canada), for some reason. Theres one coming, because I just heard thunder and I saw lightning.

I'm either scared that I'm gonna get hit by it, or (this may saound studpid), that it'll cause a tornado.

Its just been sice 1-2 weeks ago. I mean, that storm was really bad, it sounded like a crash above my house.

Any help?




  1. listen to an mp3 player really loud so you dont have to hear it and if you can go to a  part of the house that dont have any widows of you have one.

  2. When they get really close they will scare anyone.  Stay inside, away from windows, away from plumbing, away from electical devices, even phones and cell phones.  In bed or on the couch with a blanket and book is my favorite place to be, I feel safe there and reading keeps me from worry.

  3. Hmm i live in ontario to but not sure what city but yeah there is alot of storm god that p**s me off just hide in your blanket or listen to some loud music so you won't hear the thunder!!

  4. is strange that this fear has come on now.  Have you ever had really big storms like these before?  

    But if you want to get over this fear, I have heard that it is best to go outside and experience the storm.  But I would be smart about it.  If there is a ton of lightning, or a possibility of a tornado, then I would not do it.  But with a smaller storm, I have heard of people overcoming their fear by just going outside during the storm.  I know this sounds crazy, but I have heard it works.    

    Best of luck to you!!

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