
Thursday Night 6 pack of hockey questions?

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1. Should all goals be reviewable to make sure the right call is made?

2. Will the Pens close out tonight. What about the Wings in game 5?

3. Can the Wings stop the Penguins if Franzen is out?

4. What team will have the biggest offseason?

5. Who has more bandwagoners right now? Detroit or Pittsburgh?

6. What player has been the biggest factor for the Wings? Pens?




  1. 1. Yep, I've always said that.

    2. I can predict the Pens! Sorry!.......I say Dallas wins game 5 but Detriot will win game 6!

    3. Once again...sorry! I can't predict!

    4. ...Tampa Bay.....STAMKOS!

    5. Detriot is getting a lot.

    6. Wings - Zetterberg

        Penguins - Malkin

  2. 1.  Whenever there is a dispute about the call it should be reviewable.

    2. I think they will close it out.

    3. The Wings don't need Franzen to beat any team but he is certainly a nice asset to have on the ice.

    4. I think we will be seeing a wholesale change of the team just as we are of the front office

    5. Certainly the Pens, people that have never watched a game that think Crosby is the greatest thing since sliced bread make this so.

    6. Osgood and Malkin

  3. 1. Yes!

    2. I think the Flyers will win today.

    3. Maybe, will be hard without him.

    4. Phoenix and Columbus.

    5. Pittsburgh.

    6. Wings - Fraznen

    Pens - Hossa

  4. 1) They are all reviewed but only certain criteria are taken into consideration.  The calls are initiated from Toronto, not the other way around.  I really see no problems with the review system as it stands.

    2) Flyers/Pens: No, the Pens throw the game to finish the series at home.  

    Wings/Stars: The Wings will not need any more wake up calls, they finish it in 5.

    3) Yes

    4) Maple Leafs.  They are going to start the buyout/turnover process once the new staff are in place.

    5) Pittsburgh hands down.

    6) Haven't seen much of the Wings series this round, not sure.  Pens have been doing it not with the impact of a single player but rather with good team defense.  I say that meaning that their team defense has been a bigger positive than their scoring which is not what I expected from them.  If I have to pick one player I will go with Brooks Orpik just because no-one else will.

  5. 1) no, that is ridiculous

    2) no and yes

    3) they can win without him, they can lose with him...who knows?!

    4) Toronto

    5) Pittsburgh

    6) it's not just been one player for either team, that is why they have got as far as they have

  6. 1. No, I think a goal is a goal no matter how it goes in, unless a player is in the crease, which it should be called by the official.

    2. Yes

    3. Franzen won't make the difference.

    4. New Jersey

    5. Pittsburgh

    6. All of them

  7. 1)  All except refs intent to blow whistle.

    2)  I think so today.  And yes for the Wings.

    3)  Yes.  They have great depth.  But your assuming the Wings and Pens will advance.

    4)  Blue Jackets.

    5)  Pittsburgh.

    6)  Osgood and Kronwall and Franzen.  Malkin and Crosby and Fleury.

  8. 1) yeah

    2) Pens: yeah Wings: yeah

    3) who knows

    4) i have no idea

    5) they're probably the same

    6) Wings: Franzen Pens: probably Fleury

  9. 1) They could but the game would be like 5 hours long

    2)No. The Flyers will win. No sweeps

    3)Yes they can

    4)The lightning. First draft pick and all


    6)Wings= Frazen over all

    Pens = Malkin

  10. no, it will take up too much time

    no, no




    Franzen, Malkin

  11. 1. I think if there is a dispute it should.  

    2. Yes x2.

    3. Yes; but Franzen has been given permission to start skating with the team so that he can play.

    4. San Jose.

    5. Pittsburgh.  It's a Sindey lovefest.  

    6. Wings - Ozzie

        Pittsburgh - Malkin

  12. 1.No, I think noly the really seedy ones

    2. Pens, yes, wings, no.

    3. I think it would be close, if that were the case, but I see Pitt going all the way this year

    4. San Jose

    5. Pitt but not by much

    6. Not gonna lie, I'm lovin Hossa right now, and I think Detroits success this far has been largely due to Osgood

  13. 1. I think they should do it like football where the coach has the right to challenge what he wants and let fly what he doesn't

    2. yeah I bet on the Penguins (even though I'm on the Flyers B-wagon) and I think Dallas will be out game 5 IF Detroit can play them good!

    3. well it depends if the Wings and Penguins beat the Stars and Flyers!

    4. Phoenix, Tampa Bay, and Los Angeles

    5. Pittsburgh (everybody is finding some reason to like 'em)

    6. Wings: Osgood. Pens: Malkin

  14. 1) No, that is just taking goals away from hockey!

    2) Pens won't close out! And Wings will Win!

    3) Yes, the Wings can stop the Pens

    4) N/A

    5) Pens

    6) Wings-Osgood


  15. 1.) Not all goals, but questionable ones - even if they are only slightly uncertain.  If all goals were reviewed, that would take forever, but I think all uncertain goals should be reviewed just to make sure the right call is made.

    2.) Oh, well I can't answer this the game is already over...I think the Wings can definately close it in game 5.

    3.) Yes.  Franzen does have the most goals, but the team is still solid without him.

    4.) Lightning - getting new players, Sharks - getting a coach

    5.) Pittsburgh

    6.) Johan Franzen, Evgeni Malkin

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