
Thyroid and pregnant?

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I was put on thyroid medication a month ago because my levels were high and it was messing up with my cycles..

Well I am yet to get my period..Could I have conceived this early after being on the medication..I will test when I think I need too..Just looking for similar situations.





  1. I was running about six days late this past month, and did a prenancy test to make sure, even though we were trying hard not to get pregnant again (yet).   I am not pregnant. (I have to admit that I was a little disappointed.) I finally went back and looked, and it looks like I maybe ovulated 20 days into my cycle, and then had my period (a light-ish one) 14 days later.   The only thing that I can think that happened was that my thyroid hormone replacement was increased about six week before, and that messed with my cycle a bit.  


  2. I have been on thyroid meds for over a year.  I got pregnant about 3 months after starting my medicine and I am now 33 1/2 weeks pregnant.  I would say that it is possible that you are pregnant but it could also be your body adjusting to the medicine.  I know my friend is also on thyroid medicine and it messes with her cycles.  
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