
Tiananmen Square ???

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Does any body know what tiananmen square means (the meaning of the name) and the location, size,year it was built and any information you know at all!!




  1. 天 (tiān) = heaven

    安 (ān) = peace

    门 (mén) = gate

    Altogether, "tiān ān mén" means "Gate of Heavenly Peace." It was built in 1420 (during the Ming Dynasty) in Běijīng, the capital of China, but it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times since then.

    The gate was originally called 承天门 (chéng tiān mén), or "Gate of Accepting Heavenly Mandate."

    The building is 66 meters long, 37 meters wide and 32 meters high.

    For much more information, read this article here:

  2. It means Gate of Heavenly Peace.

    It covers 40.5 hectares (100 acres).

    It was first build in Beijing in 1651

  3. Tian an men means Gate of heavenly peace. that's all i know  Tian: Heavens, An : Peace/Tranquil ,Men : Gate

  4. Tiananmen means the gate of heavenly peace

  5. Tiananmen Square is the heart and symbol of Beijing and is the biggest square in the world. Tiananmen ( Gate of Heaven Peace ), which is on the north of the square, is originally the frontispiece of the imperial city of Ming and Qing Dynasties, constructed in the fifteenth year of Ming Yong Le. The original name of it is the Gate of Heavenly Succession (Chentianmen), which means shouldering the duty from the Heaven. In the eighth year of Emperor Shunzhi of Qing dynasty it was reconstructed and got its name Tian An Men Rostrum. Tiananmen Rostrum is 33.7 meters high, it is a peak city gate tower with double eaves. The Rostrum is nine Ying wide and five rooms deep. Numbers nine and five symbolize the most superiorily. There are 60 huge and towering columns on the rostrum where floor is paved with gold brick. There are chestnut lattice fan gate on south and north. There painted Chinese traditional auspicious picture and gold dragon colored painting on Tian Hua Gate and girder. There are five arch passages in the face of the Rostrum and the path in the very middle is especially reserved for the Emperor himself. Tiananmen is the place of issuing imperial edicit by emperors of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasties. It is used when there are important celebration activities, such as ascending the throng of new emperor, marriage and sacrifice, and the parents of the emperor come into the Palace. In addition, before the emperor personally led his soldiers in a military operation or senior generals go out for a battle, they should hold sacrifice in front of Tian An Men and pray for victory. There is the outer golden water in front of city gate tower and seven jade stone bridges run across the river. The most spacious bridge in the middle the “ Imperial Bridge ”which is used by the Emperor exclusively. The “Royals'Bridges” on the two sides of the “Royals'Bridges” is used by officials above rank three. Official and soldiers below rank four and servant could only use the “ Common Bridge . Common Bridges run across before the Imperial Ancestral Temple (nowadays the Working People's Cultural Palace ) and the State Temple (nowadays Zhongshan Park ). Tiananmen has been repaired four times after 1949.

    Come out of Tiananmen, and then enter

  6. Heaven gate
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