
Tibet is part of China, Why do people doubt this? ONE CHINA?

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Tibet is part of China, Why do people doubt this? ONE CHINA?




  1. in resposne to TheDoctor, although tibetans do not consider themselves chinese, but about 80% of them are happy to be a part of china. the rest of them are dalai lama cult followers.

    Tibet is China.

    People doubt this because of the WMD lies trying to seperate and break up the great chinese motherland.


    in response to agent4nd3rs0n,

    don't listen to that senile pissed on by western media guy.

    Wtf? He is bringing biology into this? China is comprised of 56 different ethnicities, tibet is one of them. Think of the Native americans in USA before you yell out your stupid little remark. Chinese are not liars, not thieves, and not genocidal. the chinese never looted tibet, and there is no genocide going on contrary to stupid but popular belief. population has actually went up from when dalai lama was in rule ----> no genocide. chinese are not raping its land as you said. they are building schools, hospitals and other infrastructures for them. 80% of tibetans are happy to be a part of china

  2. I agree completely.

    Everyone forgets the US-UK funded Tibettan agreession against the People's Republic in 1927.

    Viva Revolusi! Viva China!

  3. Manchuria became part of Japan too at one point. One Japan fanatics might one day use your logic to advance their dreams.

    One China slogan cannot claim supremacy over other slogans, such as Tibet for Tibetans.

    You would be better off asking your question to Tibetans. Have they ever in history considered themselves to be Chinese? The answer is no. They have bowed to superior forces often, but never given up their separate identity, and pride in it.

  4. Tibet being part of china is not a question of geography, it is not about land, neither is it about politics, it's about people.  This is where the arguments begin and end.  LOOK at the Tibetan people.  LOOK at the DNA evidence.  In this way it is OBVIOUS that Tibetans are NOT chinese. NEVER have been and NEVER can be.  Just because a pseudo-communist regime decides to walk into the land of the Tibetans and claim it theirs does not make it theirs.  The Tibetans are biologically suited to the Tibetan plateau because that's where they come from.  They look like Mongols and not chinese because they're related (pre)historically to them and not the chinese.  The land that the Tibetans have occupied for thousands of years is called TIBET because it was occupied by a unique people, unique biologically because they've lived there for thousands of years, unique genetically because they are a distinct people with a distinct NON-chinese history & culture and unique religiously.  Is it sinking in yet. The Tibetans are not chinese, they've been there thousands of years, they are a unique people, and if the chinese pseudo-communist regime want to call the land occupied by the Tibetans part of china it is because they are liars, bullies, thieves and genocidal-maniacs.  The only reason why china wants to call Tibet part of china is so it can rape that land of it's natural resources, without consideration for the environment and use it as a chemical and nuclear dumping ground much to demise of the Bramhaputra, Yangtse, Yellow, Salween, Sutlej, Indus and Mekong rivers (and more) and the millions of people who depend upon them.

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