has anyone ever had this happen to them or family member, especially to the point where it causes pain? I've been to countless doctors and the only option is derotational femoral osteotomy surgery, which is a big step, and considering that I'm an avid soccer player with hopes to play in college, this would be detrimental to that, and the recovery time takes forever. I've tried physical therepy, but the pain doesn't go away. The pain's pretty much limited to my left leg, back, and sometimes arm, and also my right hip suffers from try to compensate. Pretty much the only information I can find on this is on kids really young like 3-10, I'm almost 16, so I'm pretty much done growing, and I think the effects are a little different. Anyways, if you know of any cases like this(even if they are little kids), or people who have had the surgery please let me know. Thanks so much!