
Ticket Eurostar avec un autre nom que le mien?

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on m'a donne un ticket Eurostar ouvert, aller simple Londres-Paris, est-il valable si c'est le nom de qq'un d'autre qui est indique sur le ticket ? merci




  1. I had a similar issue and rang Eurostar up and asked to change it which they did.

    In reality its unlikely to be a problem as you put the ticket through the automatic ticket gate at London and so no one actually checks the name on the ticket.

    I suppose for security reasons it should match up with the name on your passport but in 9 times out of 10 they wont be checking

  2. I would advise you to ring up eurostar (like the person above me said) and change the name on the ticket, seeing as london security has tightened in respect of the attacks in hammersmith and glasgow and so it is more probable your ticket will be checked and if the name isn't the same as the one on your passport then you may experience problems

    Have fun in paris!

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