
Ticks on my 6 week old kitten?

by  |  earlier

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i have just took in a stray 6 week old kitten, when i took him to the vets she said everything was fine, but i have just discovered my kitten has ticks (the vet didin't mention this), does anyone have any ideas on how i can get rid of them please?




  1. Yep, deffinatly decide if they are ticks or stick fast fleas.... Either way both can resolved with an application of FRONTLINE SPRAY, atleast thats what what we call it here  in Australia. It is safe for kittens over 3 days old. The active ingrediant is called something like Fipronel, and must be used as instructed - ususally a dose comprable to the body weight of a pet. For a kitten you may only need 4 -6 spray pumps.

    You could call the Vet back and ask if they will do a free recheck becouse you think they missed this ... Or the nurse at the front counter should be able to tell you exactly what treatment they reccomend.

    Dont worry, its not the end of the world!

    Good luck!

  2. Call the vet back and tell them you want a free exam because he missed this. Are you sure they are ticks?

  3. Your vet should really have caught this, unless this happened after the exam.  Ticks are bad, they can carry disease, and they can suck enough blood out of your kitten to make him sick.

    Your best bet is Advanatage, or Frontline.  I don't know if both these products are forumulated to fight ticks, but a vet will know.  Call him back, ask about the ticks, ask why he missed them.  and Hopefully he will have an answer for you.

    Thank you for taking care of this kitten!  

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