
Tidal bore, where might you find one?

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Tidal bore, where might you find one?




  1. There is also a daily bore tide at Turnagain Arm in Alaska

  2. bay of Fundy. Nova Scotia

  3. Usually in a river.

  4. A tidal bore (or just bore, or eagre) is a tidal phenomenon in which the leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travel up a river or narrow bay against the direction of the current. As such, it is a true tidal wave (not to be confused with a tsunami).

    Bores occur in relatively few locations worldwide, usually in areas with a large tidal range (typically more than 20 feet (6 m) between high and low water), and where incoming tides are funneled into a shallow, narrowing river via a broad bay. The funnel-like shape not only increases the height of the tide, but it can also decrease the duration of the flood tide down to a point where the flood appears as a sudden increase in the water level.

    Bores take on various forms, ranging from a single breaking wavefront — effectively a shock wave — to ‘undular bores’ comprising a smooth wavefront followed by a train of solitary waves (solitons). Larger bores can be particularly dangerous for shipping, but also present opportunities for river surfing.

    The word bore derives through Old English from the Old Norse word bára, meaning a wave or swell.

    Rivers that have been known to exhibit bores include those listed below.

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