
Tied down, drowning underwater?

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My friend confided her dream to me, and I've been having real trouble trying to work out what it means.

She told me that in the dream, her clothes are caught or her feet are held down underwater. She's just underneath the surface and drowning, and she struggles to reach the surface but knows it is impossible.

She tells me this dream is recurring, and that her greatest fear is that she has nothing to hold onto as she feels the water entering her lungs.

Any help would be appreciated on this! I would like to be able to give her a thoughtful and understanding interpretation :)

Please and thanks.




  1. Just tell her that its all a dream and nothing else. Pray alot and ask god for protection.

  2. Does your friend have big changes coming up? A big decision? Usually water signifies "journey" though not necessarily a physical one.

    If she has a big change coming up, is it something she really wants or is it something she feels she "should" do to make some other person(s) happy? Maybe she's not as ready for it as she would like to be or knows she should be. It could be she's standing in her own way - her own clothing (her persona or perceived ideal of herself) is catching her up. If she's sabotaged herself in the past, could be she recognizes that she's doing it again now.

    When it comes down to it, your friend can throw around all these different ideas and possibilities and when it feels right, she'll know it. We are all experts at our own dreams if we're willing to dig deep and not be afraid of what we find.

  3. Maybe it means that she has a problem in her life, and that the answer is right before her, she just can't figure it out.

    the surface of the water represents the answer she can't reach, and whatevers tieing her down represents things she needs to let go of in order to solve her problem.

    i would talk to your friend about it and try to figure out what her problem is and how to solve it before it drags her down. maybe then the dream will stop.

  4. To dream that you are drowning, signifies that you are overwhelmed by emotions or repressed issues that is coming back to haunt you. You may be proceeding too quickly in trying to discover your unconscious thoughts. If you drown to death, your relationship will fail or you will suffer major business losses. If your survive the drowning, then your relationship will be rescued by some intervention. You will rise to a higher position of wealth and honor.

    To see someone drowning in your dream, suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore.

    To dream that you or something is sinking, suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and that someone or something is pulling your down. You may be experiencing lowered self-esteem and confidence. Alternatively, some important and significant stage in your life may be coming to an end. Consider what is sinking and its significance.

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