
Tiger Woods' injury?

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Is it good or bad for the PGA?




  1. this is both a good and a bad time for the pga. Tigers out which may cause a fan decrease but it's time for someone to step up, think about if someone starts to win all the time while tigers out they confidence is going to go sky high and tiger may get some competition. ha ha ha tigers so good no-one can be competition 4 him

  2. To say that TW is a "one trick pony" is preposterous, he has the complete game, and I'm not a Tiger Woods guy.  The PGA will survive, just as it did before he came along, ratings will be down, but really, the people who watch golf on TV are probably golf junkies anyway and will watch without TW.  The tournaments will suffer the biggest hit.  The crowd difference between a Tiger tournament and a non-Tiger tournament is incredible.  Nothing against TW, but I actually prefer attending tourneys when he is NOT present.  Give him his deserved respect, but don't worry, the PGA will survive.

  3. Bad real bad TV rating will definately drop.

    Unless someone steps up and makes a remarkable run at things.

  4. Fantastic. Viewers can actually watch golf without having only one person shown.

  5. On Wednesday, Woods revealed details on his web site, and announced he would not play again this year because he needs surgery to repair a torn ligament in his troubled left knee. He also has a double stress fracture in his left tibia.

    Will we, golf junkies that we are, watch golf as much as we do until then? It is going to be a long wait at Tiger misses the rest of the season, and the media is already speculating if he will be able to play like the old Tiger Woods when he returns.

  6. Dude Tiger hasnt hit it straight of the tee in 3 years..but golf will survive without Tiger, besides he doesnt even play in most of the tourneys so were really only going to miss el tigre at the majors and the end of the year stuff...sad thing is he will probably stay number one in the world until the fed ex cup starts..boy thats gonna p**s off a lot of people..little side bar here..tiger played in seven events..won five and had two top five finishes in the other two..o and he won the US Open on a fractured stick and a shredded knee...dudes good

  7. so you all like to watch a guy walk around faking an injury for publicism

  8. For the most part, the PGA Tour schedule has existed in two different categories; the events Woods plays, and the ones he doesn't.  His schedule doesn't vary year to year, so in reality, you're only talking about a few non-major tournaments that are going to take a hit (the Buick Open in Michigan, his own tournament in the DC suburbs); the other events he plays are WGC events or majors that should do okay (Firestone maybe not so much); the FedEx playoff events are a bit of a lottery (he skipped one last year and would most likely do the same this year).  The Ryder Cup will do fine given that much of the tv rights come from Europe.

    If you're running a tournament that Woods hasn't played in (and there's a boatload of those), his injury doesn't impact you in the slightest; ratings should be predictable, and gate attendance impact will be mostly due to the US economy.

  9. bad!! poor tiger woods. i won't be watching golf without him!

  10. BAD, why watch now?

  11. I think the PGA will be much more exciting now. Tiger was a one trick pony. He can hit the ball far and yes he has a great short game,but when he plays 99% of the time he wins. What ever.  NOW with tiger out, there's going to be a fight for the top. Ther'es going to be more drama, and more stars are going to come out of the woodwork. Tiger wasnt' even the longest hitter on tour. I don't mind that he's out.

  12. Are you kidding? It's the worst thing for golf right now. Golf revolves around Tiger - he's the draw to most tournaments! Golf without Tiger is like baseball without some of its biggest stars - not the same.

  13. Good for the rest of the golfers in the PGA.

  14. its bad for the PGA but for everyone else its good because now they have a real chance of winning this season. I just hope he returns soon.he is amazing to watch. I just wish I was half as good as he is
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