
Tiger Woods '09 help?

by Guest58682  |  earlier

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I am considering buying tiger woods 09 for wii is it good bad great or what? Does it use too much of the wii's capabilities or is it more simple like traditional tiger woods games? Basically plz review it. Thanks! :)




  1. Watch the Wii Demo at E3 and see if that helps:

    No one can really give a review as the game isn't even out yet.

  2. Well i can not review Tiger Woods 09 because it is not even out yet but i do have Tiger Woods 08 on wii and it is a really fun game. You can swing the club 3 ways.

    1. Standard- This is where you hold the wii remote straight down and hold B and you take a normal golf swing like at a golf course.

    2. Sitting style- This is like the standard but you do not need to hold the remote down, you can sit and hold B and just swing your arm right to left.

    3,. Nunchuck style- This style is just like the style on all the other video games. You use the nunchuck as a joystick like on xbox 360 or ps3.

    What ever swing type you chose is what you are going to use to drive, hit irons, and putt.  Putting can be very frustrating on the game be case you need to be so gentle, and you can easily hit the ball too hard or too soft. It takes some getting used to but every one will get the hang of it.  There is also the grid on the green to show break on the green like any other game.

    One thing about Tiger Woods 08 is you can hit so had when you do not want to,  you can hit 110% and not just 100%. this makes you have to think about what club you want to use. Then there is a putt preview.

  3. well if you are looking for a golf video game, the tiger woods series is the most reliable and the best of all of them
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