
Tiger Woods Divorce Saga

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Tiger Woods Divorce Saga
Being the wife of the number one golf star in the world isn’t that demanding, but Tiger Wood’s wife would have a lot to say on that topic. Elin Nordegren did all that she could but she finally decided to withdraw from Wood’s life once Tiger's list of extra-marital affairs came out into the open. After their Cadillac SUV crashed outside their family home in Florida, more than 12 girls including Rachel Uchitel informed media outlets across America that they had slept with the eminent golfer. After months of counseling and rehabilitation, the couple decided to call it quits by announcing their divorce on Thursday.
Woods has a three-year-old boy called Sam and the nineteenth month old son called Charlie. Just like everyone else, Nordegren believed that her husband was loyal and was a respectful golf player. He had a successful life with a wonderful career, two wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. However, the reality was far from that as Tiger’s life had a dozen or so mistresses as well. When she became aware of the actual scenario, Elin went through a really hard time. After immense stress, she suffered from weight, sleep and even hair loss. Now that the divorce is final, she is free from all the obligations that a wife of a professional golf player has to go through. Elin at least feels satisfied about the fact that she won’t have to attend any more golf tournaments. Elin has reportedly said that she felt stupid and embarrassed. By avoiding commenting on the $100 million settlement, Elin said that money cannot buy happiness. Rumors of Nordegren hitting Woods with a club have been dismissed by Tiger’s former wife as ‘ridiculous’.
Obviously the divorce along with upsetting the couple has made them even more cautious about their children’s future. Under the terms of divorce, which have not been made public, the former couple agreed on communal parenting. Both Tiger and Elin were taking parental classes and it seems as if they will need to work harder.
"While we are no longer married, we are the parents of two wonderful children and their happiness has been, and will always be, of paramount importance to both of us," they said in a joint statement. Evidence shows that Elin Nordegren had moved out of the residence in November 2009, which is when the crash took place. It truly would be a sad time for a couple as their children are too young to be even aware of the situation.
Along with the split adversely affecting Nordegren health and life, the events have been quite damaging for Woods as well. The scandal led to Tiger Wood’s loosing not only his wife, but also three major corporate sponsors in the shape of Accenture, AT&T and Gatorade pulling out of contracts. All these endorsements were worth millions of dollars and will greatly influence Woods financial condition. Moreover, when the scandal became public, Woods was sent to Mississippi for therapy in a bid to save his marriage. On July 3 and July 4, Tiger and Elin signed a marital settlement agreement. This was also the weekend of the AT&T National where for the first time in his career, Tiger did not achieve a par.
On august 16th, Tiger Woods tied for 28th in the PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. This happened for the first time in seven years when he finished out of the top 20 slots. These events made it quite evident that the split has also had an impact on Tiger’s game. Wood’s fans are still uncertain whether the post-divorce Tiger Wood’s can play up to his mark or not.
After the divorce, Nordegren wants to stay in the United States and complete her bachelor’s in psychology.  Even though she did have the option of moving back to Sweden, Elin intends on keeping both children near Tiger.  As for Tiger Wood’s, he does accept his mistakes but is trying his best to keep his professional life get affected by his personal life. His performance in the first round at Barclay’s was a good and positive indication about his career post divorce. Hopefully, Nordegren and Woods will be able to successfully move on with their lives.



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