
Tiger Woods best performance?

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When Tiger won the US Open i was amazed...i watched the last two days of the tourney and the playoff/sudden death and the way he battled through pain was unbelievable. Then to find out later that he made the problem worse that he had and everything that is wrong in his knee. Was this his golf performance ever...was it the best of all time!?




  1. The US open was probably is finest performance, also his stupidest.  He jeopardized his career, against Dr's advice to play in that tournament.  Why?  Because he so badly wants to surpass Nicholas' record for Major victories.  He's aggravated the injury and now must undergo a complete knee reconstruction surgery.   IMO no matter how well the surgery goes for him, that knee will never be the same and he'll never be able to strike the ball the way he did before.   I hope I'm wrong but somehow I just can't see him ever being 100% again.  Many elite professional athletes have undergone similar surgery and while they're able to resume their careers, they never reach the levels they had reached before.  If anyone is a hockey fan, Pavel Bure is a classic example.

  2. I really think it was his best performance.  He has developed such talent and physical skill, that to see him battle through that pain/injury and win showed everyone that it's his DESIRE that puts him on top.  His ability (developed through years of hard work) to focus so intently on what he is doing, enabled him to focus right through the pain that each swing would bring him.  And not even every swing!  I mean, sometimes it didn't seem to hurt him, so everytime he started his downswing, he had no idea if he would be experiencing horrible pain a split second later.  AMAZING performance.

  3. I think this was by far the most gutsy performance, but as far as golfing performance, id have to say the 2005 masters.

  4. he is amazing every time he step on the golf course, he preformes at top level all the time

  5. I am not one who drools at Tiger's feet and I kind of agree with Retief's comments, however, clearly there was an injury and he persevered through a significant injury through 91 holes and won the toughest tournament in the US.  I'll give credit where credit is due, and yes, this may have been the most impressive performance.

  6. He came back from five down in match play to win a US Amateur Championship which was a pretty incredible performance.  But winning the US Open on stress fractures probably out ranks that.  Best performance ever, Hogan winning the Open after being in a car wreck that doctors said would prevent him from ever walking again.

  7. yes but now he needs to have another surgery and he has to sit out for the rest of the yr.

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