
Tiger Woods chooses virtual world over reality, when will you learn Tiger?

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Tiger Woods chooses virtual world over reality, when will you learn Tiger?
Tiger Woods has gone virtual once again. This time, it is not his video game project, it is his press conference.
The silliness of Tiger Woods has reached a landmark that only a few have seen. This man is destroying an amazing career with decisions that have caused him a bad image even outside his world of golf.
Woods has taken the easy way out to escape the bad press known as ‘paparazzi’. On the other hand, it is an embarrassing way to pull off an escape route to avoid the media.
As the custom mentions, before every major PGA event, respectable players usually conduct a press conference where the player speaks about his form, his plan for the event and his past and present methodology to obtain victory.
Woods being the disappointment that he is, has chosen not to go for a press conference that involves his physical presence, on the contrary, he has decided to do press conferences online via internet.
The man is using all the major internet websites that contain a chat system to communicate with handpicked fans to explain his future plan for his games.
How clever Woods.
In this way, he may avoid the bashing that has become a part of his daily routine and will present his future strategy without the criticism as the judge of his words are going to be a few loyal fans who would be more than happy just to chat with the golf
idol for a few minutes.
So, who wins in all of this? Is it Woods? The answer is no.
Running away from reality is not the trait of champions. The man that Tiger Woods is, he should face the world while accepting his bad form and prove the media wrong by giving consecutive good results.
The last press conference saw him running away from simple questions that had simple answers. It was the shame and confusion that took over Woods entire career of magnificence.
If he would have been a little honest and confident about his decisions, he would have had the media on his side in these bad times.
The story remains pretty much the same, what you do, is what you get.
The criticism is justified keeping in mind the behaviour of a man who once was a global phenomenon. Going virtual would not ignore the mistakes Woods has committed in his physical self.
It is time for Woods to learn, otherwise it will be too late for the former champion to regain his status.  



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