
Tiger Woods dissing the NHL...?

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The AP reported today that Tiger was quoted as saying he didn't care about the NHL playoffs and what is the difference because nobody is watching them. Should we give him a free pass on this one or should he just say quiet when dealing with matters he doesn't participate or follow?




  1. I don't put too much stock in comments from other atheletes about sports in which they do not compete. This is really out of character for someone who is usually an real classy guy. I think that he may have just been frustrated at receiving a hockey question at a golf press conference. Hockey ratings are 79% above last year and has a 4.5 rating which is really respectable growth in pro sports, golf has not been so lucky. The numbers speak for themselves, respect him as a golfer but chalk this up to something that was said without knowledge of the subject. The NHL has taken the higher road with the comments they released today, so in the end, Wood's and the pro tour's character has taken a small hit in my book.

    My comment was about growth, please read my response carefully next time.

  2. So record ratings for hockey is a 4.5? The Masters gets a 7 or 8 consistantly. They got a 3.1 on cable on Friday at the Masters! He's right, no one watches hockey. It is no longer a major sport.

  3. Golf isn't a sport, its a skills game.

    He also said he likes baseball.  What a boring life.

  4. Who spanked who last year at the President's Cup again? Oh, right, hockey-loving Canuck, MIKE WIER, spanked Tiger frakking Woods.

  5. No free pass.  He shouldn't be talking like that about things he knows nothing about.

    Message to Tiger: I can't hear you over how awesome hockey is.

  6. get all the info first dude, they dissed him first a long time ago!!!

  7. Where is my "Beating a dead Tiger"icon when I need it.

  8. Are we really that surprised that a black man is not following the NHL?

  9. I'll say the same thing I said in a similar question...

    I kinda feel sorry for Tiger Woods.  He doesn't know what a real sport is.

  10. I have to agree with Todd on this one...

    but really, whos watching golf?

  11. Who cares what a golfer who doesn't follow hockey thinks about hockey?  I couldn't care less about golf, but I don't knock it.

  12. I'm sure a huge percentage of Hockey players don't give a **** about Tiger Woods or golf...

  13. Its a free country so he can do and say what he wants.  I could care less that he doesn't like hockey.  I don't like golf.

    Does anyone watch golf when Tiger isn't involved?  I doubt it.

  14. Tiger blows.

    Tigers wife reminds me of Jackie Moon's (Will Ferrell) wife in Semi-Pro. She is kind of a w***e.

  15. he just doesnt know what a real sport is. he plays a wussy one, and would never be manly enough to even touch a hockey puck

  16. Considering Tiger Woods draws larger ratings alone than does all of the Stanley Cup, then I would say he can say anything he d**n well pleases about Hockey.

    Hartley, are you kidding me?  The Masters, which is the pinnacle of golf, draws in 5x more viewers than does the Stanley Cup.

    What growth?  It is easy to have 78% more viewers when you had less than 2 million last year.  And one year is not considered growth.  Check your facts more carefully next time.

  17. He says a lot of stupid things, remember his term for his ethnic background?

    Yeah, me either...that's how important it was.

  18. lol i loved tod's answer and totally agree

  19. Well let's just say he is great at his day job which requires no physical workout. Riding a golf cart around doesnt really require much effort and having to have knee surgery from playing Golf is kinda of embarssing if you ask me. Plus, let's be honest, do you really think he knows how to skate or what an Ice Skate is?


  20. You and others are giving this more publicity than the original comment....drop it for gawds sake.

  21. Tiger Woods should shut the h**l up. The worst thing that could happen to a golfer is that the battery dies in their golf cart, and they might have to walk. Lazy b******s.                                                                                                                                                                                                               GOLF the sport for men with v****a's.

  22. I didnt hear yet that this comment was made. I think hes kind of a jerk to say that about another sports league. There are plenty of people watching the NHL anyway and I dont think his comments will make much of a difference but I think the key note here is "do unto other as they should do unto you" RESPECT other sports and the ups and downs of their popularity.

  23. It's ok Tiger, my handicap on the golf course is about the same as Toskala's when it comes to bouncing pucks from 197 feet away

  24. Honestly, I cannot believe that one sentence out of a man who a) has nothing to do with hockey b) doesn't want anything to do with anything other than his swedish wife and chasing a golf ball has gotten this strong of legs.  Seriously, who cares?  It's really just not that big of a deal.

  25. Uh, he's Tiger Woods, he can say whatever he wants.

  26. the dude plays golf."Should we give him a free pass on this one"? OF COURSE NOT!! He's basically saying that during the winter when hockey season is in progress, no one watches hockey because they are to excited to see him in the Masters. YO TIGER- WHO THE HECK EVEN PLAYS GOLF!!? DOES IT EVEN COUNT AS A SPORT!!STFU AND FOCUS ON YOUR OWN d**n "SPORT"

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