
Tiger Woods "I don't think anyone watches Hockey anymore"?

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Don't know if anyone has seen or read this article yet. Just wanted your thoughts and opinions.

Personally, I would tell Tiger that his comments also apply to golf, because I'd watch a High School hockey game before I watched any PGA event on T.V.




  1. First of all I am a die hard college football fan not a hockey or golf fan.  With that said I think that hockey blows away golf.  Sorry to say the first hockey game I have ever really sat down to watch was the one on Monday night and wow was that @*#&ing great!  Forget the dramatic win for a minute, I was amazed with the speed and athleticism of the players.  NHL just got themselves a new fan.  Now about golf, I don't think that is a sport me Tiger Woods has shown what golf could be like as I believe he is an athlete.  I hate watching golf but I admit I watch it on occasion if Tiger is playing.  He is the only reason I would ever watch golf.

  2. At least he said one true thing in that statement..."I don't think" that point, anyway.

  3. Well I'd rather watch HICH SCHOOL MUSICAL than golf. That guy has some nerve. Hockey's probably too difficult for him to follow because there's too many people playing at once for him to count, and they're all doing something besides strolling around some weirdly landscaped patch of grass. Honestly, how classless can you get?

  4. I think his pride got to him.

  5. Golf is a great game. It allows folks the opportunity to take a nap before Hockey Night In Canada.

  6. I did read the article, and i have to say i was pretty surprised by his comments.  Especially because of the ratings during the finals.  He seriously has to check himself too.  Nobody really cares about golf unless Tiger is playing, which lately isn't at all.

  7. I think that was really disrespectful, to the many hardcore hockey fans out there. And isn't his wife Swedish? She must watch some hockey. If I ever met him, I would tell him that hockey is WAY better than golf.

  8. he should be the last one talking. more people watch exciting hockey then boring golf omg. wow

  9. Sharpiie  " I don't think anyone watches golf anymore"

  10. Can't realy bad-mouth golf since that's my summer sport (and fix), but I would've never thought Woods could've been that ignorant.

    GO WEIR!! Sorry, Tiger, who beat your as$ at last year's President's Cup? That's right....former hockey player, MIKE WEIR.

  11. is golf still on TV?  i hadn't noticed or cared.

    Tiger may be the most paid athlete in the world (its true), but he certainly is not anywhere close to the most watched.

  12. No one cares.

    Tiger is one of the most famous athletes in the World.  Golf is popluar all over the world. Hockey is not.  Golf is one of the most played sports in the world. Hockey is not.

    I couldn't name ONE active hockey player if you paid me, and I have watched some of the finals!

  13. I have never in my life watched golf on rules!!! What makes him an authority on who is watching what anyway?

  14. So when Hockey continues to gain in popularity and Tiger takes notice and worships SID..... instead of yelling "Get in the Hole" we can all yell "Bandwagoner"

    Actually Tiger bandwagoned with Tennis (Federer) whose ratings shot thru the roof with Federer, and now have drastically declined cause people realized it was only Tennis.

    Tiger actually sat in Federer's box when he played an American in A-ROD in the US Open. Now thats a wuss move. Not even going to support his fellow countrymen?

  15. Tiger is completely self-absorbed and has no respect for the common fan.

    I live in Dallas and I have been watching the NHL nearly non-stop since the season openend.   I have yet to watch a single golf event, outside of the few seconds it takes when I'm surfing channels and I happen to stop at golf reading the sports ticker at the top or bottom of the page.

    Tiger lost me earlier in his career when he disrespected the great game of Soccer.

    Look I enjoy a good round of golf, even enjoyed watching a good round here and there, but with Tiger, I have lost all respect for him and have chosen to simply not watch anything he plays in.

    My top three sports to watch are NFL, NHL and Soccer!!!

    4th on my list is MLB and only if my team is doing good, then NBA...but I may soon stop watching it all together.

    Then I watch fringe sports like LaCross, Handball, Tennis (Majors...such as the current French Open)...heck I'll even watch that broom game, where they sweep the ice while a disc is sliding down to a target.

    But Golf, is simply not on my radar...unless I happen to go out and play, and it has been well over 4 years since I have swung a club.

    Tiger Woods, what a disrespectful person.

  16. Who actually watches golf?Lets look at a guy hit a ball. No fights, passion, no nothing.

  17. Golf...BAH!!

    The only time I watch golf to take a nap on Sunday afternoons. Tiger Happy Gilmore!!

  18. I read the article yesterday.  From someone who is normally pretty media savvy, I view this is nothing more than a bone-headed, spoken before it was thought about statement.  

    I think Tiger would have more interest in me being a golf fan than I do about whether he's a hockey fan.  Personally, I really just do not view that as a big deal in any way.  I know people who are not hockey fans who criticize the game.  This is not any different.

    Spaceboy: Bonus on Tiger's wife, there are two of them.  What do you think he is asking for as a gift for his birthday, anniversary or "I just made another $10M"?

  19. Ovechkin's fist pump is thirty times better than Tiger's. He's just jelous and cant stand being number two.

  20. I just finished reading it. What a jerk. After Gretzky compliments him, he goes and bashes his sport. To be honest, i dont think anyone watches golf anymore. take that tiger

  21. Guy is a tool, but his wife is HOT..and Swedish, so YOU KNOW she must watch some hockey. Tiger';s just jealous of all the handsome Swedish hockey players like Holmstrom! hahaha

  22. Whose Tiger Woods?

  23. Who cares what Tiger says. Golf is sleeping medicine for insomniacs.

  24. What is wrong with the guy saying how he feels?  So Tiger doesn't like hockey, he isn't the only one out there.  I love how some argue about golfs ratings when Tigers playing against NHL ratings.

  25. What you can't see from the report is how he said it - for all we know he might have been joking.  Regardless, he knew people would report it in print, therefore should have engaged brain before opening mouth to trash someone else's sport.

    We all have favourite sports, if he's not into hockey, why would we care?

  26. This will sound strange coming from me, but is Tiger Woods all the wrong (at least in America?) Last year's finals ratings ranked as some of the worst prime time television the NBC has EVER seen. Thankfully ratings improved for the finals this year, but maybe Tiger isn't all that far off with this comment. There's a reason, other than Gary Bettman, that Versus currently holds the rites to hockey games, guys. Yes, we take this comment close to home, but does the rest of America? No, they're too busy watching the latest American Idol- obviously more entertaining than a THREE overtime elimination game in the final.

  27. Duh.  He's right.  I barely watch hockey, anymore.  Used to.  Great game, but terrible league.  Too many teams, season goes waaaaay too long.  This is silly, the Tigers and Pirates are done for the year, and the Wings and Penguins haven't quite decided it all yet.  Not enough scoring (usually), and far too much foolishness in between whistles.  The NHL needs to fold up about 8 teams.

  28. Duh!  Someone slap him in the forehead.  What an idiotic thing to say.  Just because HE isn't watching hockey, doesn't mean there aren't millions that are.  What a self-centered comment.  And shouldn't his agent or PR guy or someone have coached him in just how to answer these questions.  Just because he didn't watch it, he could have found a gracious way to still commend the sport, like Gretzky did for him.

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