
Tiger woods, i like the 18 hole playoff it give both players to get hot and cold and let the cream rise.?

by  |  earlier

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your crazy this is not about you, and dont give me that we are the fan c**p, fans have little to do with the money, and no one will stop watching, if people still watch juced up baseball anything is ok. this is about good golf and anyone can get one good shot to win sudden death, 18 holes lets the best player win and not one that hits one great shot and its over. and baskeball com on this is a 4 day champio0nship and if there is a tied after 4 hard day then there should be equal chance for both players to show there stuff. stop watching espn and come up with your own argument.




  1. i beg your pardon?

  2. I don't like 18 hole playoff.  I think you are in the minority here.  18 hole playoff on the next day is like saying to Lakers vs. Boston fans when they tie 100-100, sorry folks, we're out of time, come back next week, and we will play another ball to decide this one.

    Bollocks if you asked me.  People gotta go to work on Monday you know.

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