
Tiger woods and toyotas?

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yesterday joey logano was interviewed on "nascar now" and was asked what he thought about other drivers and owners complaining about their dominance in the nationwide series. his response:

"If you think it's like that work at your stuff harder. Don't penalize us for working at our motors or our cars or bodies or whatever it is that's making us fast and don't complain about it, work at it. Tiger Woods, they don't give him a shorter club for dominating that sport so they shouldn't penalize you for working on your car and making it better. It's kind of like one of those things, it's not a fair situation that you get penalized for working hard."

personally, i loved the tiger woods analogy and i agree with him 110%.

nascar made the rules, jgr and toyota worked hard within them. and now that they are dominating, nascar is looking at changing the rules. seems incredibly "unfair" to me.

never happened when chevy/hms dominated...

what do you think about "sliced bread" and his comments?




  1. Excellent point (Sounds like Mr. Burns)

    I can't wait until they "change the rules" to say that All non-American Manufacturer vehicles are only allowed to run on seven cylinders.

    Why should they be penalized for working hard? The Tiger Woods analysis is right on.

  2. I just don't know how to think about it. On one hand, I agree with Tregosteevo because of NASCAR's new rules about keeping everything on a level playing field. Yet, I don't want NASCAR to get so involved that they end up making everybody run the exact same engine package. Where's the fun in that? Isn't it more sporting for each individual team to try to get "one up" on the competition? In the end it will make them all work harder. So, with that being said, on the other hand, I think each team has a right to work hard and bring the best thing to the track they can (as long as it fits the guidelines.)

    I have nothing against Toyotas. It is not my car make of choice, but they have every right to be there.

  3. Ask me what I think about NASCAR "rules & ragulations".

    NASCAR is like the proverbial "Big Baby"

    They get their foot stuck in their mouth, but then they want to take it out so they can put salt on it.  Or: They don't care as long as it tastes good. NASCAR is making a mockery of what the sport is supposed to really be about. They're trying to control the effects of a production automobile. The more rules they make the more screwed up it gets. They might as well just make everbody run an engine from a 5th manufacturer and take their money too. Then they can just put Dodge, Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota emblems on the cars. It will make all the drivers look wimpy.

  4. Its been frustrating watching the Toyotas win but I agree with you.  The tides will turn in time.

  5. Golf clubs are made to pretty exact standards, why they carry so many is a mystery to me but they do, if I made that much money to play golf I'd want an overstuffed bag full too-looks impressive. As for comparing it to Toyota they were given a blank sheet of paper to design a push-rod racing engine-unprecedented in the history of NASCAR. They get to copy the best characteristics of all 3 power-plants into one design.

    History shows NASCAR has tended to go the other way when it comes to engines. David Pearson might have been the 200 race winner but for a ban on the 426 Hemi that sent him to Ford and a lot of great races and left the mountain motor to Petty when it was re-instated after it became a showroom option and sold in mass numbers on street cars.

    Tiger Woods is a unique athlete, none in NASCAR come close except maybe the late Earnhardt Sr.and even his untimely death did not have the effect on the sport that Woods ACL repair will.

  6. d**n rowdy

    what did you do scare everybody

    you know i aint got no problems with the toyotas im glad they're out there even though im not their biggest fan -not the car mostly who drives them. im warming up to to them-never the less a chevy fan

    be cool

  7. Wow -  I couldn't have put it better myself!  Hopefully we'll see this kid in the #20 next season.

  8. The saga continues......

    Toyota is in every form of racing the involves 4 wheels. From single seat ralley buggies to F1 cars. Seems logical that sooner or later they would bring that big account to Nascar. They started out as little tiny gas sippers during the gas wars and got a foothold in the auto industry. Today they are the driving force behind all the industries changes in design and economy.

    In Nascar they have worked hard to get the best equiptment out there. We get to see this every weekend. Someday we may see Hondas and Nissans too, then what?

    The only thing stock about the cars of today is the insignia and even that is a decal.

  9. Logano's how old? That's a pretty smart statement for such a young kid. And a point well taken. Kinda like the "you don't penalize Michael Jordan by putting ankle weights on him, you tell the other players to work harder" statement.

    The kid might grow on me afterall..........maybe.

    *I hate the nickname*

  10. And what "work" has Logano has put into Toyota at the ripe old age of 18 ?

    And the Tiger Woods analogy completely wrong. If Tiger had "superior" equipment, the PGA would act.

    Hey this punk will fit in with the rest of JGR (young, disrespectful arrogant punks)

  11. I loved "sliced bread's" comments.  Make sense to me.

    I think they all complain about Toyota because of the person winning.  If he was in any other make you would hear something about that particular make of car.     If the winning Toyota was driven by someone else you wouldn't hear a peep.

    I don't have a problem with Toyotas in NASCAR.  My concern goes a bit deeper but this is NASCAR.

  12. Chevrolet always gets their way in racing, always have always will.  The Thunderbird was so much more areodynamic back in the 80's and they let the Chevy's run a back glass 1 year before it hit the factory production lines.  Ford has been up and down with body heights all the years.  Everytime Ford got a little speed here come NASCAR putting the car on stilts and raising the car up 10"...  This is where the Truck series really come from, but Ford always thought it would be more of a 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive series, since the Taurus drivers were climbing out of the cars with ladders...

    Toyota has did their homework and I knew it wouldn't be long until Daddy Hendrick threw a few millions into NASCARS pocket and got the rules changed.

  13. Nicely put!  All the major engine makers were given the opportunity to come up with something new...equivalent to the Toyota.....lighter, faster, more powerful, etc.  None of the others came up with a new design yet, but I'm thinking they will.  The kid is pretty smart.  

    go JR.>>>>

  14. I agree that you don't penalize people for being great but you also shouldn't give them an advantage other than the ones they already possess.  You wouldn't let Tiger use an unapproved driver that allowed him to hit the ball an extra 30 yards.  You wouldn't give Michael Jordan shoes that allowed him to jump 6 inches higher.  If you take some of the very best drivers and put them in a far superior car it is not fair.  I am still not saying they are cheating but the horsepower advantage is obvious, sort of like when Richard Petty won all those races in 1967 with the big hemi.  The Toyotas have advantages in all 3 series in that department and I look forward to the data from the dynos being available to us.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

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