
Tiger woods denied membership to private clubs with white only rules?

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anyone with info on this?




  1. Not a chance

    Even Augusta has minority members and they denied Bill Gates a membership.

    plus the headlines alone would spark mass protests and that would make headlines.

  2. any club that denies tiger woods membership has probably closed down already. because the backlash from it would be huge. thats like saying after Barack Obama becomes president he would have to use the non white bathrooms or water fountains. i dont think a club wants that type of image. the amount of lost money and sponsorships would be astronomical.  they may secretly deny tiger woods membership by i challenge a club to do it outright.

  3. Tiger would NEVER be denied on a race basis. Also, as a matter of professional courtesy, all PGA tour members are allowed everywhere to play. I would be VERY surprised that any club of ANY quality would dare to exclude on race.

  4. If you follow Tiger Woods "The Man", you will know he is not the type of person that would say "Alpha Golf Club denied me membership".  However, if you replay his interviews from him first Masters win, he did state "there are golf course in America where I cannot play or be a member".

    Today, I do not believe that any club would deny Tiger membership or playing priviliges.  He means that much to the game.  

    I do not think that there are any golf courses in America then have "White's Only" sign in the window.  We have gotten beyond the overt racism.  We have come a long way from the racism of the 50s & 60s.  Covert racism does still exist in America in 2008.

  5. Before Tiger became well known there were clubs that were white only. Today Golf is more enlightened, as is America. Tiger has helped this process. The world can change a lot in 20 years.......not too long ago the PGA  was going to remove their championship from the Shoal Creek G.C. in Alabama or miss. because that club had discriminatory policies. I do not remember the details or for sure the location but google Shoal Creek G.C./pga and you might find more info. the club changed their policies if I remember correctly.

  6. After Tiger Woods won the Masters in 1997(think about this), he made a commercial and in it he said that there were 23 clubs in the nation he could not play on because of the color of his skin.  1997!  I don't know for certain if there are clubs in 2008 that have this rule, but I wouldn't be surprised to find one.

  7. Why? Tiger's not Black, he's Asian.....everyone knows that. All the tigers are in asia, they're not in South Central LA.

  8. No info because it's never happened. I challenge you to find even 1 private club in the US that restricts membership based on race. Just 1.

  9. If they ever did - it would be there loss.

    The word genius is often over used - but on a golf course this guy is !

  10. I would say there are many clubs that restrict on race, even if their bylaws don't. Tiger can play about anywhere he wants and would not be caught dead at any club that publicly said they restrict on race.

  11. No i don't think so. I think the times are getting better. I was reading an article recently that was talking about people don,t

    notice that Obama or Tiger's race,and that it is what they stand for that is seen. Isn't that a nice thought ?

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