
Tightening braces...........?

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This seems like such a stupid question... but anyways, last September I got braces and they've only switched the wire/tightened them once and that was in January or something. Should they be tightening/changing the wire more often? In my chart they have it says when they last tightened/changed the wire, so they know it was a while back, but every time I go in my orthodontist says "Good. Do the same thing." and they put the old wire back in. Is this normal or....? Because everybody I've talked to who had braces, generally had their wires changed/tightened more frequently.




  1. I got mine a while ago too,Sometimes They want to put Your older wire on so that your teeth stay there and dont get tightend anymore till the next vist.Sometimes if every month you keep tighting them they Get screwed up.So Its ok.

  2. My dentist does the same thing he told me sometimes they leave it in for 3-5 months at a time so no worries.

  3. yes it's normal, if ur worried talk to ur dentest

  4. that is truly messed, you need someone who knos wahts they are doing

  5. the wire doesn't need to be changed very often usually once every 2- 3 months. Depending on patient but yes you usually do the same thing over and over until the space closes. After wards he moves on the a different part... It all depends on you teeths rate of movement  

  6. Everyone has a different issue with their teeth. If your orthodontist is looking at you and saying good do the same thing, that's excellent. Don't be timid either, if you feel like there is something wrong simply ask. It's your mouth and you have a right to ask a doctor dentist even a brain surgeon if something is right. I personally think as long as your are being checked and your charts are being checked that your good to go. But, maybe you would feel a little more confident in their work if they just explained to you. Everything is probably "going as planned" and you just may have a less severe case than others. Consider this a blessing I was taking Tylenol pm after every visit because I was in so much pain and this went on for about 3 years. My older brother however rarely ever had his tightened and had his off within a year. So don't fret just speak up and ask what's going on they actually usually like to explain to people that are interested or concerned to soothe their minds and to inform. Good Luck  

  7. considering i have braces and all too, that isn't normal. they should b changing them every 6 to 8 weeks, unless one of your brackets falls off, in that case, it wouldnt be able to withstand the weight of a heavier wire. Confront them about it, and see what they say.

  8. in some cases it is.

  9. I ahev braces too. I never get them tightened though. I dot know why. i just go to appointments to get the donuts replaced or something  

  10. That's weird. I get mine tightened every 6-8 weeks. Ask your orthodontist.

  11. it is perfectly normal, it just means your teeth werent that bad to begin with

  12. It just depends on your teeth.  With the wires, they dont throw it away and give you new ones (at least my didn't).  They would take it out of your teeth, wash it (in a machine) w/ hot water, then put it back on your braces.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. They are professionals at this. They know what they're doing.

  13. Whenever i had my braces tightened, they always replaced the wire. I had them changed every 6 or 8 weeks.

  14. the wire is to be in place same one all the time but he should tighten them once a mounth and your supposed to get new elsectic everytime you tighten them so if its not one a month then you shouldn't stick with that orthodontist. my braces are always once a month thats how it supposed to be.  

  15. Are you sure it is the same wire? That seems odd.  When they take the old wire out it is pretty bent up and mangled.  Maybe they are putting a new one in and you just haven't noticed?

    If you think this is the case you need to mention it to your orthodontist.  "Excuse me, should they be putting the old wire back in because I think that is what they have been doing."  

    There wouldn't be any point to doing this if they were just putting the old wire back in, that is pretty much the purpose of taking off the bands in the first place.  

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