
Tijuana mexico?

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Im going to tijuana mexico for my easter break for habitat for humanity but im going be be sleeping outside so i was wondering what are the chances i will get by something and what is there to be bitten by down there?




  1. I'm sure your group will be well protected, Habitat for Humanity is a respected charitable organization here. Mosquitoes could be a problem if there is standing water nearby. Take your bug spray. Haven't seen a big desert scorpion in the area, too many people around, they are really shy creatures. Go, have fun, you are doing a remakable service to the community.

  2. OMG!

    you are going to sleep outside in Mexico?

    what are you, crazy?

    well you can get robbed or something....

    shot, i personally don't like going to mexico unless its an elite city..

  3. You are going to SLEEP OUTSIDE in T.J.?... is that right?... he,he,he... well... there are earwigs, scorpions, tarantulas, HUGE cockroaches... and some other things I don't even want to think about....  If I was going to sleep outside in mexico, it would be in my car... with a .380 in my hand and a BIG can of bug spray where I could reach it

  4. Tijuana is not the safest place to visit right now; in fact, the U.S. govt has a travel alert for Mexico.  There is a drug war going on between the government and drug traffickers as well as corrupt cops, and there have been daily killings, kidnappings, carjackings, robberies, and more throughout Baja California, mainly in Tijuana and Rosarito.  The federales and the Mexican army are patrolling the streets in full force, which will probably help in the long run, but in the short term it means that the 'bad guys' are pissed off and fighting back.  

    I would honestly be surprised if Habitat for Humanity didn't cancel the trip.  It's just not a very safe place to be right now, whether one is Mexican or American or anything else.

    The U.S. govt travel alert for Mexico is at:


  5. I have worked with H4H in the US,Mexico and six other countries.You will be fine,you must be building way out of town if you are sleeping outside.It will still be too cool around Easter for most creepycrawly type critters and also for the mosquitos.I wouldn't dwell on it.You should already have a team leader assigned to the project that you can contact if you are still concerned.

    Buena suerte y mil gracias por su servicio.

  6. have a gun with you

  7. Please don't... while Mexico is a very beautiful place you will not be safe... and beeing bitten is the least of your worries, It can be worse... add some bucks to the trip budget so it includes a hotel stay you will be much safer and actually will be able to sleep.

    Enjoy Tijuana, it is gorgeous. I hope you enjoy my deeply loved country !!


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