
Till what age can a guy keep growing ?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 almost 19 and about 5'10-5'11 . Is it possible that i am still growing ?




  1. Until age 4.  You're probably losing height at this age... you're probably like 3'2.

  2. i have heard that boys dont stop growing until they are 21. :)

  3. yes- boys stop developing until they hit 20 or 21

  4. 21

  5. The height charts stop at 20 years old, and there isn't much growth between 19 and 20, maybe 1/4". But there are exceptions. If you were born very premature, you are more likely to grow later on. Sometimes genetics will make you grow later on, or if you started puberty on the late side.

    I hope that you're not worried about your height, you're plenty tall!

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