
Tim Russert, George Carlin...both seekers of truth in/from power... who's next?

by Guest64431  |  earlier

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Tim Russert, George Carlin...both seekers of truth in/from power... who's next?




  1. Well....won't be anyone from here!!  LOL..just kidding. It was a sad week and hate to think of loosing another of their caliber.

  2. Your avatar is ugly.

  3. Nancy Grace.

  4. Good Question, One I've been asking myself constantly as of late. Both seekers of truth from power, both catholic (Tim was trained and schooled by Jesuits) both social/political comentators. Both democratically inclined, allthough I wouldn't describe Carlin as a democrat. Both dying within a couple weeks of each other of apparant heart failure at the very beginning of our upcomming general election.

          I remember Tim Russert asking both Bush and Kerry during the 04' election if their common membership in the skull and bones society posed a conlflict of interest to the american people, (or a similar question. ) George Carlin has become quite scathing in recent routines about the role of the power elite in s******g us all on a daily basis ( It's like a giant club, and we ain't in it!) I don't ascribe to, or conjure conspiricy based on nothing but coincidence, in other words I don't put my suspicion forward as fact, but I cannot help feeling suspicious, given the sort of people we have seen assasinated in the past.

         One more thing; Tim Russert, a Catholic died on Friday the 13th, a day many believe was determined unlucky due to the inquisition of the Nights Templar, the military elite of the catholic church during the middle ages, occuring on that day in October, at the hand, or by the pen of Philip the Fair the reigning king of France at the time. This inquisition was then carried forward by the pope himself and extended to all of Europe. Point being, Tim was deep in Catholicism, trained as a Jesuit, and died suddenly on a day considered to be unlucky, (by any currently accepted explanation) for religious, more specifically christian/catholic reasons.

         Probably just a coincidence...

    To answer your question, I would say that anyone prominent, (that's important, prominent, -they don't care about people no one listens to-) that you hear begin to suggest a level of power united, or conspiring above the false puppet dilema (democrat vs. republican) (us vursus china or the terrorists or whoever) that is posed to the public, is in danger. Catholics, and Europeans, specifically of English origin are also of higher risk. I can't think of anyone else specifically because those were the only two guys who fit that description in public life that I know of!

  5. Is this some sort of celebrity death pool? Well as long as you're making a list, here's mine:

    If you're going by the three rule, my choices are:


    Larry King

    Leslie Stahl

    Bob Schifffer


    Ted Danson

    Jack Klugman

    Al Molinaro


    Jake La Motta

    Rowdy Ronnie Piper

    Muhammed Ali


    Fidel Castro

    Ariel Sharon

    Ted Kennedy


    Ernest Borgnine

    Eli Wallach

    Karl Malden


    John Demjanjuk

    Jack Kevorkian

    Tammy Faye Messner


    Charles Levi-Strauss

    Patrick Moore

    Albert Hofmann


    Gore Vidal

    Harold Pinter

    J D Salinger

  6. Dody Goodman

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