
Tim Russert died Friday at the age of 58. Are you saddened by that?

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I'm in the news business myself, on radio, but have worked around media a large part of my life. Although Russert was at times inclined to be liberal, he always came across as extremely fair regardless of a person's politics. I am 9 years older than him. Frankly, his death shocked and saddened me. I don't like it when good people die so young.

I believe he was a consummate professional on a network (NBC) that has tended to forget professionalism in recent years.

As a journalist myself, I have no political position when I am presenting the news. My job is to present fair, factual and timely news.

Russert's death saddens me. Do you share my feelings?




  1. Being a Buffalonian, and a current student at his Alma Mater Canisius High School, I have been deeply saddnened, he is a man that I looked up to and still do

    Requiesecat In Pace

    Tim Russert 1950-2008

  2. I am sadden that i will not see him again, but hoping to God that his soul is resting in peace and with God in His Glory. my prayers go out to his family for comfort. awesome political journalist that will be greatly missed.

  3. I was shocked by his death & saddened for his son who had just graduated the day before from Boston College.  He left his family vacation early to return to work.

    I disagree with many people here about his journalistic neutrality.

    He would have d**k Cheney on whenever Cheney wanted to come & never asked him tough questions.  Cheney was just one of Bush's people who went on Meet the Press & were just allowed to spew their lies.

    Tim Russert was part of the Corporate Media.

    I never wished him ill, but I feel more sorry for his family.

  4. Yes I was saddened about his untimely death.  I am really sad because he was one that did try to get to the truth, he was't easy on those that have things to hide.  I think of d**k Cheney,  he is really leading us not George Bush,  I never saw an active this administration, you see him as much as the Prez, and 9/11 commission was One someone should explain to me why did he and George Bush have to be questioned together?  and why not under oath?? + No recording of interigation????????

    some weird event, Tim Russert could get down to the bottom and it wasn't easy.  He is on the other side now thinking how he could warn us of the B.S.being done to us, and has the full picture of what and why they are playing with the economy

    and their whole agenda.  Maybe it was time for him to leave

    this earth to go Home to help turn some of the BAD MEDIA

    coverage of the Prez.contest.  We wil probably hear stories of some of these encounters. Tim was great on meet the press and his other shows. I will saddly miss him. Peace!

  5. He was a great journalists to say the very least. I never really did watch Meet the Press that much but I really did like the way he conducted things.

  6. it's sad when anyone that young passes on.

  7. It is a shame that a 58 year-old man with so much left to offer has suddenly died of an apparent heart attack.  However, I seem to be the only person in the Universe not personally touched by his demise.  We are mortal; people of all ages die. My cousin, a 36 year-old heart surgeon died at the door of his parents' house of a sudden coronary.  That death saddened me.  I do not mean to sound cold, but I cannot grieve for every famous person who dies.

  8. some thing bad had to happen today sence it was friday the 13th. i figured it would be a terrist attack on the u.s.,but some one famous died

  9. Yes, I and many people who have welcomed Tim Russert to their televison sets on Sunday mornings feel something missing. This Sunday will be different and it will be sad since it was so unexpected.

    Many of us grew up with Mr.Russert's objective questioning. He may have been a liberal and a democrat, but behind the microphone he was indeed 100% professional and be just as hard to those he agreed with politically as much as those who he disagreed.

    He holds a special place for a real Journalists like Walter Kronkite and Edward Murrow. I am saddened by the fact that in our 21st century media, Mr.Russert was probably the last remaining reporter who wanted to know the truth instead of knowing the position that would most benefit his beliefs.

    An absolute gentleman, journalist and admired American icon. He will be missed.

  10. It is sad, but he had a very good life.   He was financially stable, had a loving family and a great career.  Most people do not have such great lives.

  11. I sure do. I just remember seeing him on the Today show giving his input on Decision '08. And tomorrow I'll see him again on the Today show being mourned by the loss of an important guy to politics. I used to see him laugh and smile and you can tell he loved his job. But I will not see him anymore on TV. As a matter of fact, no one will : (

  12. I am extraordinarily saddened by his death.  He brought a great deal of humanity to politics and all of the interviews and shows he hosted. He was an amazing man, who seemed to believe that family and friends were more important than career; he managed to balance them.  His kindness showed in his face, along with his spunk and humor.

    I will miss him.


  13. it's really sad that he died

  14. any death is tragic and sad....I'd say it was more "shocking" than anything else to me

  15. We never know do we? I am 60 and just a little bit older than he was, not one of us are guaranteed tomorrow,to answer your question I will miss him and I am sure many will miss him.

  16. It is a loss to the media, such as the media is in this era.

    But rather I think his life should be celebrated, as he claimed

    many times, his job was his bliss, not all people get that out of life. His family will feel the pain of saddness, not the public.

    Since media is a round the clock on TV, I think alot of items are over kill, and then such news goes in one ear or out the other. My sorry does not help any thing.

  17. Yes, I often watched "Meet the Press" on Sunday Mornings before I left for Church. I always thought Tim Russet was fair. He was also younger than me.  I will miss him.I am sure that N.B.C. will pick out a successor to him who will be just as impartial. Maybe Matt Lauer?

    My feelings are that all the networks have forgotten how to at least give the impression to remain neutral since the Nixon and Watergate scandal. They just don't come like the Walter Cronkite's of yesteryear.

  18. Very sad, he was a class gentleman, and an honest soul.

  19. To tell the truth I was shocked and very sad wen I received the news he new his stuf and seemed like a great human being you never know when your number is up its such a shame i really liked the man he will truly be missed  Lorie

  20. Yes.  Even my 13 and 15 year-old kids who've watched him on the today show before school all these years shared stories of things they remembered of him today.  He had a friendliness about him even though you knew he could be tough in his field.  My daughter who is interested in politics, said he was an "uncle kind of guy."

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