
Tim Russert :[?

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RIP man. he was awesome.




  1. He will be missed. I just wonder what will happen with his show now ?

  2. He will be missed. The man worked hard which probably contributed to his death. But he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

  3. i love that dude

  4. Today is a day of mourning. Baltimore will be lowering its flags to half staff.

    Tim Russert was my favorite TV host. My Sundays will not be complete without him. Goodbye Tim! : (

  5. It's sad to lose such a man. On the other hand it's a little comfort that he seemed to die happy, having just spent his vacation with family in Italy and celebrated his son's graduation.

  6. According to Wikipedia, he died of a sudden heart attack so I must've wrote him in my Death Note. he is!

  7. I have just heard this news myself.  I am saddened at the loss of such an honorable journalist.  He was a good man who was passionate about his work and this country.  Condolences to family and friends.

    RIP Tim Russert

  8. He will be missed.

  9. Yes, Tim was very well liked. Here is a web site about him and his book that he wrote about his father.

  10. types in stunned silence
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