
Tim Russert was a good natured/amazing man. What can Limbaugh, Savage, & Hannity do to improve their image?

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The negativity, anger, & abrasiveness that Limbaugh, Savage, & Hannity exude are poor standards compared to those exhibited by Russert. We will miss having such a serious, yet warm public figure represent us as Americans in his profession. How can we continue to allow such obnoxious figures like Limbaugh, Savage, & Hannity present themselves as if they are the "spokes persons" for this great country?

Limbaugh and Savage can share First Place in the Rev Wright Annoyance Award. Hannity is so vain that he'd feel envious and left out! They embarrass us with their solo temper tantrums. I fail to see what enlightenment they bring to politics or our perception in the world. All we hear is narcissistic bickering & total self-indulgence.

I sincerely hope Russert's legacy will help those guys re-think exactly how they can move in more meaningful directions. Anybody can yell, scream, ridicule, blast, trash the air waves, spew hatred, and be the biggest self-righteous clowns ever!




  1. I just saw a clip that Hannity said if he were a politician he would never go on meet the press because he would bring up a clip saying you said this.

    Mr. Russert told him that I have picture of you in high school and they both laughed.

    I agree I hope that not just Hannity and fox news etc learn from Mr. Russert's class act approach to journalism  buy by all men and women that call themselves journalists.

  2. Tim Russert lived the creed that 'we can disagree without being disagreeable'

    Sean Hannitty and Rush Limbaugh are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Republican National Committee and use divisive tactics to distort the truth and attempt to nullify and discredit opponents. .  They should not be mentioned in the same breath with Tim Russert and legitimate journalists.

  3. Tim: True Professional and classy guy.

    Limbaugh: Ego maniac who is trying to make up for being the fat nerd the girls laughed at in high school.

    Savage: Closeted and self-hating. If it were 1940 he would be pointing out the hiding places of his people to the n***s.

    Hannity: The kind of guy who drives a Hummer to make up for small genitals. If he were punched in the face at a bar he would cry like a 8 year old girl.

  4. I am in total agreement with you.

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