
Tim hears a cannon fire 6 seconds after he saw the flash. How far was he away from the cannon?

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Tim hears a cannon fire 6 seconds after he saw the flash. How far was he away from the cannon?




  1. speed of sound is 343m/s

    you see light immediately

    so 343*6= 2058 m

  2. 6 miles.

    I was working off of the lighting strike system (see the flash, count the seconds till thunder.  That's how many miles away it was.)

  3. speed of sound = 340.29 m/s

    v= x/s


    340.29 m/s * 6 s = 2041.74 m

    2041.74 m = 6696.9072 ft = 1.268 mi

    Hope this helps!

  4. Sound travels roughly 1100 feet per second.

    So in 6 seconds it will travel about 6600 feet or just about 1.13 miles.

    Sound travels just about 1 mile in 5 seconds.

    The time it takes for the flash to arrive is not important because it is so quick that the lag can be ignored.

    Hope this is close enough for you.

    If you need more precision, then you must specify air pressure, humidity, temperature, etc.

    Yale Simkin

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