
Time Machine??

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys..i was just wanting to know if anyone knew how to make a time machine. I wanna go back in time so i can thank the guy who invented trees. Tress are really cool, 2 trees provide enough oxygen for a family of four. Trees also help prevent city flooding by catching raindrops and offsetting runoff caused by buildings and parking lots.

i love trees.




  1. trees were never invented it was god who made them all..

    you must thank god for it..

    without going back to time you can already thank its creator - - - GOD

  2. time machines already exist

    but they dont let you go back in time, just slow it down heaps

    tis called a bong


  3. Don't need to time travel. Thank me. I invented trees back in the 70s. Didn't think to take out a patent. Dammit!, I would have been rich.

  4. If you went back in time, way back to the beginning you would know who made the trees! A lot of your problems would be solved! But if we could go back, we would have to miss the dance! I am glad you are here!

  5. I have a machine at home that lets me go forward, but not back.

    It is the fridge.

    Every time I walk past it, amazing changes happen.

    - some time passes that I remember nothing about

    - things have disappeared that were in the fridge moments before

    - and my pants are a bit tighter

  6. i no how but i dont want to share it with you because  one you go bac in time you can never cume bac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... SORRY

  7. Have you seen the Redwoods?    They make you feel your back in prehistoric days. Giant! I love those.

  8. Well Jonathan, it is very simple. Here is the truth. It is really easy to make a time machine if you put your brain to it, but I will not tell you how over the internet. It does seem impossible, but they actually already exist and THEY do not wish to tell us. How do you think THEY know so much information about everything???

    Did you know that humans only use 1/80 of they're full brain capacity. Albert Einstein actually managed to use 10/80 and Leornado Davinci used 5/80. It is all over the internet. But I ask you this. How do THEY know that??
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