
Time Management - Help!?!?

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Here's my situation:

I am taking 4 classes this semster (14 credit hours). Two of the classes are ones I enjoy. The other 2 will require more work because they are difficult for me.

The up side to this situation is that I do not have to work. However, I am married and I have domestic responsibilities that cannot be neglected. Sometimes it seems hard to balance.

That being said, for those of you who are in school, have domestic responsibilities and ARE employed, I have the highest respect for you.

My questions:

* How do you budget your time?

* Where do you put the most emphasis?

* How many hours do you study versus how many hours you put in to housework, etc.?





  1. Put a value on all items you consider important [1 - 10] take another look and rearrange accordly !!!

  2. go to http://

  3. 1. Study 100% of the time that you are not doing domestic responsibilities.

    2. Put as little emphasis as possible on work. You can be fired but you can always find another job. There are millions of people in the United States and the unemployment rate is something like 5%.

    3. Housework is not important in this time of your life. Put as little time into it as possible.

    Here is what I did:

    Find a job that allows you to stand around or sit around doing nothing at all, like a parking attendant or a library employee for example. Write notes on small pieces of paper before attending your job. At your job study your notes on your classes so that this way you can work while simultaneously getting any memory work that needs to be done for your classes out of the way.

    As for your domestic responsibilities, I have not sufficient detail to understand how to shave off time from your situation.

    Be 100% honest with yourself and decide if you have time to take 4 classes. If that is not the case don't do it. Remember how much you paid for tuition. Its alot of money, don't throw it away.

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