
Time/Space Space/Time ????? 10 points!!!?

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I am reading the law of one series but i still do not understand the different from time/space and space/time. I know in our desity (3rd) we are in time/space but thats about all i know any help thnx:)




  1.   Space-time is virtually a single two dimentional entity,when it came into existence it attaine two other dimensions and then began to expand into the universe we see today.

  2. its still mysterious for human.


  3. Pay attention to these questions:

    In free space,

    1) Can you travel to your forward and backwards?

    2) Can you travel to your left and right?

    3) Can you travel to your up and down?

    These are the original three directions perpendicular to each other which we better call it three-dimensions.


    You travel from Cause to Effect

    You travel from Birth to Death.

    This direction is perpendicular to the above mentioned three and we better call this time.

    But problem with this direction is that we cannot go from Efffect to Cause and from Death to Birth. This direction is partially under our control unlike the other three spatial directions.

    But any four dimensional organism can do this.

    This is how the four dimensions are related to each other. Three out of which are controlled by us and the fourth one controls us and I call it the Dimension of God.

  4. @@@STRAN...GER  DANG....  not gonna cut it here  >;-\

    I am therefore I think????

    whoaaaa trippy........


  5. Space and time cannot exist without each other that's why it's called space-time! The space that we live in is made of three dimensions length with and height(everything around you has 3 dimension), these are called spatial dimensions! String theory predicts the existence of 10 spacial dimensions and just 1 time dimension!

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