
Time Travel - Should we try to find a way?

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Do you think that science should search (or continue to search) for a way to travel back and forth through time? Why or why not?

Personally, I think it'd be a bad idea. What has happened was meant to happen, and happened for a reason. Traveling forward would be cool, but if we did and then came back to our own time, what happened while we were gone could affect what happens from now on out, and could s***w up our future. It could make it better too, but why risk it? Now, if we found a way to travel forward in time, but could never come back, that would be a personal risk people could choose to take on their own, and I wouldn't mind that, as long as they could never travel backwards through time. I hope all of that made sense.




  1. No we shouldn't try.

  2. Man has a terrible way of destroying and not creating. Although time travel could be exciting, it could also be misused. There is another factor that is hardly ever discussed regarding time travel, fate and destiny. Time travel diminishes the idea of fate and destiny because any event or encounter can be relived or changed.

    I hope that we (man) never accomplishes time travel.

  3. Scientists are not even beginning to understand the nature of time, so time travel is incomprehensible at present. That may change in the next 500 years.

    Writers of science fiction have had fun with time travel paradoxes since the beginning of the last century.

  4. I think that we should be working on more important things, and i dont think it will ever be physically possible to time travel, but i could be wrong.  but if it is it is a very bad idea because people could go back in time and like make things change.  but i really dont think it is ever going to happen.

  5. I think the movie, "Back to the Future," illustrates the quintessential paradox.  What if you go back in time and prevent your parents from getting together?  I believe that. even before that move, the term in physics was, "the grandfather paradox."  The scenario is, you go back in time and kill your grandfather before he conceives your parent.  You make in impossible for your own birth to have happened.  But if that is the case, how is it possible that you went back in time to kill your grandfather?  In the back to the future scenario, Marty was starting to disappear.  But if he did, how could he go back in time to prevent his parents from getting together?

    Well to answer your question, I think it would be fascinating if it ever happened.  But we'd better be veeeeeery careful.

  6. If scientists can find a reason to travel through time, then they should pursue it.  If it's purely for the sake of doing it, then it sounds like a waste of time (no pun intended).

  7. Time travel is misunderstood. It is not like going back years or forward years but a few seconds to a minute.

    I have experienced it one time only. Well three times but all in the same place.

    I was with two friends and we were going to walk over to the school to climb up on the roof and we had to cross the football field.

    We were all walking side by side and we stepped one fooot onto the field which was 50 yds across the short way.

    As soon as we took that first step, we were all at the other end, off the grass and just onto the asphalt. WE all freaked out and decided to see what would happen if we stepped back onto the grass and we were instantly back where we started from. It was really not understandable so we sort of could only laugh. We stepped back onthe grass and again, we were across the grass field and back on the asphalt on the other side. All three of us, not just me.

    We decided to try it again and we stepped onto the grass and nothing happened. We couldnt get it to work again and that was what happened.

    We figured it would have taken us at least one minute to cross 50 yrds of grass if not more.

    True story. I still call my other two friends to this day to make sure it really happened.

  8. have you ever seen the butterfly effect? if you change the past in any way it will effect the future. it could be good or bad and theres really no way to tell what would happen. i'd say lets stay away from that venture and keep things the way they are (and were).

  9. It's not so much time, as crossing paths of history.

    I'd prefer to live in a different history.

  10. Different timeline, different universe.  It's like two parallel train lines that are not connected.  If somehow we can find a way to jump from one train to the other, then we've done it.  But your actions in that other universe will only affect the other universe, so there's no disturbance of history.  No paradox about meeting your own grandfather and then killing him and therefore you are not born.  The universes are independent of each other.  The trick is to find a way to jump from one to another.

  11. Well, we have been for ages, and who's to say whether it's a bad idea or not.  You won't know unless you can actually do it to find out.

  12. I honestly can not see any benefit in time travel, rather it were ever possible or not. Surely if it could be possible I would think it could not be altered no matter what we may or may not do. The reason I say this is if in the future our future it became possible then would it not already exist in our present if change were even possible. Being that we are all observant to the idea, would we not already have seen the future come back on us and have corrected what now seems to be the problems that plague us now. like cancer, aids and senseless wars. etc... not to mention global warming. would not the entire concept of it all be to right the wrongs?

  13. Whether time travel is possible or not.I doubt it is but if it can be done it will be.Then again, shouldn't it already have been?

  14. This reminds me of a story I read when I was a kid. A guy invents a box that he can travel forward in time, but not backwards. He sets the dial for 60 years into the future in hopes to see the wonders that man has developed, and to live in a better world. When he opens the door, he sees all the world is a utopia, and he colapses because he arrived at the age of 90 years old. All he did was skip 60 years of his life.

    Of course, I believe time travel is possible, and perhaps someday we will be able to.

    I dont think its a bad thing, because if things are meant to happen a certain way, then the time travel is counted in on that.

    If time is a human driven event, and God drives mankind, then I am sure he already knows about any time traveling, and is able to account for it in his plan.

  15. I was kinda hoping to hear something along the lines of Tesla, conspiracy theories or maybe white-haired illuminati agents..

  16. OK. Try and wrap your brain around this. I did a philosophy paper on this and this was the conclusion I came up with. I had a headache for about a month after this. Here goes.....

         Worrying about whether or not we will, or even should, time travel is moot. Anything that will be done in the future which involves traveling back into the past to change the present has already been done.

       Get it??

    If you are going to go do it, it has already happened.  Think about it.

         Traveling into the future is impossible. The fabric of the future is unformed. It is only a possible future and exists only as potential. Once it has happened, it becomes reachable.

  17. LOL. Don't mess with time. It would mess everything up.

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