
Time Wasting Free Kick?

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I'm confused as of the free kick given against carton today for hitting the ball into the crowd after crows kicked a goal..?

The umpire said it was for time wasting?

The commentators said it was soft but disgraceful that the umpire called it but had full rights to...

I dont understand how its time wasting if theyve kicked the goal, stopped the clock while they run the ball back up to the centre?

I've also not seen the rule called before?

Anyone else?




  1. I don't think Waite had a reason to punch the ball he was well over the goal line when it got to him,

  2. Everybody all around the world, regardless of what sport, doesn't seem to understand that the rules or law of the sport is the law. Selective enforcement is not a choice. The players choose to break the rules. The referee or umpire--it is their job to blow the whistle and give out the punishment. Selective enforcement of the rules is the biggest problem in the NBA in America.

    Referees or umpires must show they have the testicular fortitude or intestinal fortitude to call the game exactly by the rule book, no deviations.

    If the ump can't do that, quit.

    Arguing against the law or rule book is a waste of time.

  3. I don't think the Carlton player had any intention of hitting the ball "into the crowd" as he wasn't facing that direction when he thumped it.

    And despite this "time-wasting" free kick being a just rule, it is totally stupid these days because there is a guy sitting behind the goal umpire with an esky full of Sherrins so if the ball goes into the crowd, he can throw the umpire another ball and no time is wasted at all!

    The clock is stopped after a goal has been kicked anyway, so it plainly wasn't "time wasting" at all!

  4. I AGREE IT WAS A JOKE!,your right in that once the ump has signalled a goal the clock is stopped,also with the new play on straight away for a behind rule they keep about 6 extra footy behind the goals-why not use one of them.

    and thirdly if there was a free kick to be paid it should have been paid from the centre circle,unless in the case of a player being infringed after a kick but just to hit a footy into the crowd was disgraceful umpiring decision.

  5. Umipiring standards are a joke, The rules (some) are a joke, and Why the h**l do we have to listen to what the umps say to the players? Why are they wearing a microphone?

    I hate the way the game is heading, the umps DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME, attitude, its all about soft free kicks and heaps of whistle blowing these day's.

  6. i was there

    it wasnt much of a free kick and i go for adeliade

    haha the carlton fans were discrasfull though they were frowing **** at the umpires and swearing and all that jazz :P

    i dunno bout it though


  7. that was a joke

  8. its confusing when its typed if I saw it I could explain it to you.

  9. Its Law 15.2

    There's also provision for a 50 meter penalty

    Law 19.2.2 also say that Time Wasting is a reportable offense

    The Law is very clear


  10. yea i dont understand either. but i guess this was fair. he shouldnt have wasted time punching the ball into the crowd. he should get over the fact that the other team scored a goal!

  11. Unfortunately a lot of supporters, coaches and players are not fully aware of the rules of football.

    This rule (as stated by Macca) exists and all should be aware of it.  Even though the clock has stopped, time is being wasted as the play should be ready to go on.  The free kick was not soft and the offence is no different than kicking the ball the wrong way when the umpire has called time on in general play and a fifty metre penalty is awarded.

    Yes the umpires do make mistakes and it is hard for supporters to understand this as they often do not have any experience themselves as umpires and do not understand the associated difficulties.

    The umpiring standards in the main have been acceptable this year.  Some mistakes may have been made but not as many that have been made by players.

    Fortunately for all cheering and jeering is a main part of our wonderful game, so keep at it and enjoy yourselves.

  12. It's not about the footballers anymore, it's about the umpires or that's what it's turning out to be.

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