I was reading this article about black holes and I came across a concept I don't completely understand.
"However, there's a snag in this intergalactic transportation
scheme. The baby universes, that take the particles that fell
into the hole, occur in what is called, imaginary time. Imaginary
time may sound like science fiction, but it is a well defined
mathematical concept. It seems essential, in order to formulate
Quantum Mechanics, and the Uncertainty Principle properly.
However, it is not our subjective sense of time, in which we feel
ourselves as getting older, with more gray hairs. Rather, it can
be thought of as a direction of time, that is at right angles to
what we call, `real', time."
From this article http://www.totse.com/en/technology/space_astronomy_nasa/hawking2.html
Could someone explain this real and imaginary time in a simple way? I am not scientifically inclined.