
Time change tonight? UK?

by  |  earlier

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Have the clocks just changed? I've just noticed my laptop has changed the time (1 hr forward) but just wanted to double check as I had no idea it was happening




  1. yeah it has 1 hour fwd

  2. Are you for real?

  3. Yes, the clocks go forward tonight.  They always go forward on the last Sunday in March, and back on the last Sunday in October.  An easy way to remember it is "Spring forward, Fall back". (You have to think like an American for this, as they call Autumn "Fall")

  4. yes it is right

    just rember the old saying

    spring froward one hour

    fall back one hour

    so in spring forwards

    in the fall back one hour

  5. Yes. BST has started.

  6. 1am=2am

  7. Yes British Summer Time began at 1am this morning. Put all your clocks, watches forward an hour if you haven't already done so.

  8. Has change last night at middle night.

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