
Time consuming summer activities?

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I've been pretty bored this summer and i was wondering if you could give me a list of activities i can do in the summer so i caould do different projects each day. it would be nice if they took time so they would keep me busy. all the thing i do are 20 to an hour projects and that is not a long time. im so sick of sitting on the computer all day! Please help!




  1. Try cross-stitching! Cheap, great fun, addictive, creative, and suits even for the dull rainy days!

  2. I can't add much to thejanit's answer. Learn to crochet or knit. There are places that will teach you. Learn to cross stitch - cheap kits are available. ConnyL

  3. man you and me both sista

    here's somethings I'm doing this summer:

    Cleaning my room

    Looking on the Internet for some wicked art projects- right now I'm doing origami lucky stars

    one thing that took up a lot of my time during school was this art assiment.

    Magazine Mosaic tear art

    this is what you have to do:

    1. find a simple picture of one of your favorite cartoon characters off the Internet.

    2. attempt to trace an outline of it on a sheet of paper(at school we used projectors)

    3. once your done that, look through old magazines for matching colours to your character.

    4. rip out the page and rip it into small parts,as if it were a mosaic, and glue the pieces to the area that the colour matches

    5. once your done you can hang your work of art in your room!

    (PS)  try layering the pieces so that no white parts are showing

    (PPS) srry if my instructions aren't so clear. I'll post sum other stuff to do when I think of it.

  4. Please phone a local animal shelter and find out if they need volunteers.  You could give an hour or two a week, I'm sure.  There are also local senior citizens' facilities and hospitals that always need volunteers, if you prefer working with people.

    You could also walk dogs.  Do it just for fun.  If you don't have one, you could borrow one from a neighbor.  Schedule two or three a day, and you'll be getting exercise and fresh air, too.

    Tend a garden.

    Start on your Christmas or Hanukkah gifts.  Make beaded jewelry for all the girls and ladies on your list.  Be sure you use winter-type colors.  They'll be opening these in December, regardless of when you're making them.  If you knit or crochet (or can get a book and want to learn) you can start on Christmas or Hanukkah gifts such as scarves or handwarmers or hats.  You can also make notecards for gifts.  Anything you get made now, you will greatly appreciate when it comes time to give all those gifts in December.

    You can also make nice birthday gifts for people you know.

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