I think the economist magazine http://www.economist.com/opinion/displayStory.cfm?source=most_commented&Story_ID=11791539 has got it right about America. The formerly self confident now transformed into outright arrogance and therefore the ego of America cannot handle looking inward. Yet as they say, America has learned before in the past from being simply a joke up until 1940s with its Great Depression etc... Then coming into the worlds military, economic, freedom and innovative envy! Now its suffering from its own ego and needs to have a serious self analysis and simply RnR for a while to get back. America can do it! But as with people EGO makes a good man a moron and humility makes good man brilliant! China's rise is the same thing, it has learned from the past and quickly taking America's position in almost every way. But can America do it? Or do you think the super ego of America break it the same way the empires of old fell? The worst of all enemies is always ones self!