
Time for Booster seat?

by Guest56816  |  earlier

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My son is 4 and while he is only about 39 inches tall, I am finding that his straps on the car seat are getting pretty tight. Not to the point where he is uncomfortable, but I don't think it will be long. He is only about 36 lbs. He has short legs, but a long torso. Should I move him into a booster seat or should I try to hold out a bit longer?




  1. When my daughters turned 4 they were at about 39 1/2 inches I switched them to a booster, and they were only both about 30lbs.  They have done great in them, and are more comfortable.

  2. He should be 40lbs before he is put in a booster.

  3. The carseat is the safe choice since he is not 40 pounds yet but you might try a high back booster. There are plenty out there with a five point harness and also a seat belt adjuster on it so you can properly fit him in them safely.

  4. Our booster seat is for 40 lbs plus, so look around when you are shopping to see if you can get one for a smaller child.

    We put our son into it before he was 40 lbs, but I didn't feel good about it.

    So, shop around and see what you can find

  5. Go buy a Radian 80 seat by Sunshine Kids. It's safer and you won't feel guilty if you get into a car crash. If you put your son in a booster, he's only got a 25% chance of surviving a crash. In a 5 pt harness, he's got a 75-80% chance of survival. Get him a good car seat and you won't have to worry about things for another four years. Keep him harnessed until at LEAST 65 lbs, but preferably 80 lbs.

  6. Keeping your child in the five point harness until he maxed out the weight or height is best.  The straps should be tight and the harness clip should remain at armpit level.  You can loosen the straps anymore?  Are they at or above his shoulders?(that's where they should be).  Sometimes we worry our kids are uncomfortable but if he seems fine, please keep him in the harness. It is the safest.  Good luck.

  7. move him to a high back booster.  they only need to be 30lbs for the high back.
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