
Time goes so fast,does it really go faster the older you are?

by  |  earlier

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As a youth I had so much to do, and seemed to fit it all in, breakfast, school, dinner, time with friends, revising, homework, cadets, pet walking, and 8 hours sleep.

Now, given a day off, I doubt I have time to even call my family.

Where has all that time gone?

Is this a question for science or society?

Ok, that's 3 questions, but I'm in a rush.




  1. It doesn't really go by faster, but it seems that way.

    Maybe you're just busier.

    I think it's a personal question.  If I had to pick science or society, I'd pick society.

  2. looking forward:

                                      Time goes slow!

    looking back:

                                       where the h**l did it go?

  3. The older you get.... the longer it takes for you to DO things! Also as you get older the number of "things" you have to do and the responsibility's you have increases.... so there is more for you TO do.

    When you are a child all you have to "do" is go to school! You don't have to think about laundry, shopping, cooking.. cleaning, paying bills or think about "world events." You fall in and out of "best friend" at the drop of a hat and don't really have to make the same sort of effort. Life is about playing!

  4. Good questions when you find out let me know.  Yesterday I was 44 today I'm 45 "no it wasn't my birthday."

  5. Your answer lies in the fact that time appears to travel faster as we become older and it is a matter or relativity.  Let me explain.  Tell a ten year old child that he/she must wait five years to start driving a car, those five years is a long time.  Five years is half of that child's life.

    But tell a 60 year old individual that they have cancer and only have five years to live, then that is not a long period of time to them.  So see, we perceive time differently as we get older.  I hope this helps answer your question.

  6. Its a question of perception...Science has little to say about the "observed" phenomenon of "time..."

    Physicists who know are quick to point out that they can't even explain why events seem to occur in one direction, or if time runs at different rates in different parts of the universe!

    As for where its gone...It was never here! (here being now...The future then)

    The effect you are describing is what I like to call "Geezer's relativity," when you are a day old, every day is as long as a lifetime...when your ten, every year is 10% of a lifetime, but when your 100, every day is equal to 39 SECONDS compared to the perception of the infant...No wonder you don't have time to call anyone...

  7. I agree that as we age we have a different perception of time as well as different constraints where it may not be as crucial to meet deadlines as for an adult (not necessarily since today's youth are not the same as in the past) but there are some who say that this is happening to all people, that we are all speeding up, I find this is both societal and scientific.

  8. It does go faster, probably as you get older you have more interests, perhaps concentrating more  on what you are doing and thereby forgetting the time passing.

    Bit sickening really when you get to my age (68 this year) as not only do I have a perfect marriage I have the ambition to grow verrrrry old and I'm getting older toooo quick :-))

  9. I know how that is, it does seem as though the older you get the time really flys.

    Time just goes and goes and you can never have enough

    this is a question toward society...I would think. Has to deal with people and there lives.

  10. there's only one way to find out if time goes faster - live thru it. May parents always say stuff like "It seems like only yesterday..." so maybe time DOES go faster the older you are.

    And all the time has gone to the past. (duh)

  11. Sometimes I wonder how I did it all!!!! I agree.

    How did I work, raise children, go to school, keep a home, be a wife.......

    I sometimes stop, look back and I am amazed at how I did it all!!!!  Yet in the midst of it, never gave it a second thought!!

    Makes me tired just thinking about it!! : )

    And yes, where has all the time gone???

    And why can't you convince a young person to learn from your mistakes????  If only.......

  12. No, it just seems that way.

  13. According to einsteins special theory the time speeds up with the increase of gravity. As you get older you gain experience and gravitas so time must also speed up this does not take into account the increased girth that seems to accumulate around the middle

  14. Time actually does go faster the older you get.  It has to do with perspective.  When you are age one and you turn age two you have lived 100% of the time of your life over again.  When you are age 70 and you turn age 71 you have lived one 70th of you life over, a much shorter time which goes faster!

  15. You are right... I read somewhere (sorry I don;t remeber all the sophiscated terms ) that esoterically time span has actually shortened & that the 24 hours of before is now is only about 18 hours (or 17? not exactl sure but sth very similiar)

  16. As you get busier and more capable the day fills up with things you have to do

    hence the time isue

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