
Time machine??? wat the h**l???

by Guest63368  |  earlier

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many of us beleive that we can develop time emachine using which, we can go into the future or into the past

but, tell me if there was any time machine out there, it wud have visited us, and we could have been able to see the machine at some point of time...

if it was to be true, then why r we not able to see any of them????




  1. perhaps the time travelers have sinister intent and have been here but wish to remain anonymous - kinda like ufo flyers

  2. This will never happen, if we ever did reach a speed that could turn back time it would only be in milliseconds.  

  3. Yes, good thinking, there are no people from the future travelling back to this time so it is likely that a machine which can travel back in time will never be invented.

  4. Because none exist, yet!  

  5. I dont know about time machines but I believe time travel is very real.  I believe we are the past and the people in the "ufos" are the future people visiting us because they actually made a time machine they can use.  Thats why ufos are so mysterious to us because theyre our future.  I believe they are using there time machines to come back to this time because either something wonderful is about to happen that they never saw since they werent born yet or something horrible is about to happen that they know about and want to try to fix.  But I do believe they have limits and cannot interact with us.  God bless!

  6. I'm not sure what you mean, but i'm guessing that you mean that; if humans are theoretically able to create a time machine which would allow us to travel into the past or into the future, surely we would already know about it, because the people in future who would have made one, would have travelled into the past, so we would already know about it.

    If that is what you meant, it is something i've always wondered about aswell.

  7. The risks are just too great.

    Imagine if, say for instance someone invented one - to make a lot of money. They would buy up large areas of Texas - and start drilling for oil.

    This would have a knock on effect - that oil would be discovered sooner, and may even cause Germany to invade the US instead. The nuclear scientists would never have been brought together, and therefore nuclear power not funded. We would end up consuming all the oil before our lifetimes - leaving us without oil - or nuclear power.

    Without power, the technology would not be invented to develop machines such as time travel - and thus make it impossible to travel back in the first place!

    The only solution would be for day-trips to areas in our distant past - so as not to cause problems in this reality.

    Unfortunately - there is evidence of a footprint of a rubber sneaker - found in rock over 1 million years old , and a neanderthol - shot in the head with a high velocity round - causing death 40,000 years ago.

    Other "out of place articles" - Ooparts - can be found usually where they shouldn't be. Machined steel bearings, brass screws and nails, cooking pots and jewlery - all found in roac or coal deposits around the world.

    Nobody talks about them - because it must be a hoax right? - well now there are just too many, and the metalurgical analysis usually comes up with unknown materials.  I like the machined aluminium clamp - found in rock.

    Edit -

    Forgot to add - Research supergravity. As elecricity is linked to magnetism, Time is linked to gravity. If you look at the research, I think they found 12 dimensions in their machine - two of which were time - one forward, one back.

    Please also bear in mind UFO sightings - and how elusive they are. Why don't they make contact? The reason may be closer to home than we think. If these ARE the time-travelling craft (some of which don't seem to be all there when seen), they look very much like the developments at NASA at the moment with electrostatic or ion drive propulsion. (Link #2).

    It appears that the best design for these is a dome shape at least on one surface. These craft can be found documanted throught history - it's where the Japanese get their "flying dragons" from. It could well be a future Japanese construction.

  8. Time travel iz possible, but it comes with great responsibility, besides, time is just another dimension....


  9. Isn't it possible that all these ufo sightings are us from the future?  Of course they couldn't interfere with us, that would disrupt their existence.  

  10. keep up to date on the news man. we have seen nothing of the sort nor will we until the possibility enters the time loop. otherwise as soon as we invent one. if we build it they shall come...

  11. I love that you included "What the h**l?" in your question. It made me laugh.

    But anyways, in my opinion, there will never be a "real" time machine. The closest thing we'll probably ever have to one is a box made of scrap metal that does nothing. We could call it a time machine though, if we wanted. That doesn't mean it would be one.

    If anything, our generation would be the first to make one. People who lived in the 1800's probably couldn't even dream up something as crazy as a time machine and they certaintly wouldn't have had the education or technology to make one.

  12. We havn't yet seen them because there never will be one.

    I think the arguement that they arn't visiting us because it will meddle with their own existence is inaccurate because there will always be fools out there that will do things like that.

    Also if you are going to believe that website which 'claims' that a neanderthal was shot 40,000 years ago or the story about the baghdad battery then visit the website in my sources.

    Be careful how evidence is presented to you.

  13. In order for us to experience the time machine, it would have to be built first, as this is the first series of time, we have to wait to develop one. Then, perhaps people from our dimension (when we develop it first) can use it to visit us now.

  14. Question: "If time travel is possible where are all the tourists from the future?"

    They could be waiting for this:


  15. hmm im my mind time does not exist, the only real proof of time we have is memory and the fact that because of the laws of physics nothing last forever, so this means that time is non existant in reality also infinity might just be us describing the same circle in different numbers but essentially the same circle.

  16. uh listen there is no such thing as a time machine.There is no thing that can be built from manmade materials and take us back in time.It just can't be done in order for us to travel in time we would have to move at the speed of light! as einstein said,so i don't think we'll be traveling in time,ever!

  17. Government black ops control such things as that, they don't want you to know about it.

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