
Time machines?

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if time machines ever existed wouldnt someone already have come back in time to share the news?




  1. If it was me then i would tell but only certain people because if i told the world every body would want it but it it was kept semi-secret then i would be fine. But to answer your question. Yes.

  2. The Sun, and the Earth with it, moves in space about 240 kilometres every second. That means, if you go back in time about 1 minute, you will be in the spot where the Earth will be in 1 minute. Which means you will be out in space somewhere, and will fall back down to Earth as a fiery meteor as it catches up to you. Conversely, if you move forward in time, say by 1 day, the Earth will have moved millions of kilometres away in normal space and time.

    Time travel without taking into account physical displacement is not possible.


  3. i dont think so.if someone did build a time machine they would probably keep it a secret,because you may never know the consecuences of traveling through time.

  4. thats what i was thinking but who would want to come back to here rather than go to the future???

  5. if time machines will be invented in the future then someone went back to the past and tell the people in the past about it that would have created a paradox of anykind which cause a devestating effect on time and the only way for a paradox not to happen they have to be an invisible, ghost-like person which will not cause any change in time.

  6. Probably. But let me tell you of a dream I once experienced.

    I dreamed I found a way to go back in time.

    I remember looking out at an entirely untouched world.

    I was able to return to the present at will. I made many trips back to this idyllic place.

    Eventually, I told my secret. Others joined me going back in time.

    Then one day, when looking out over this lovely world, on the horizon I saw cell phone towers had been erected.

    I stared out at this scene, bewildered why others would have felt the need to do something like that! That's where it ended...

    That dream, I have never forgotten...

  7.'re right...time machines does not exist and it is impossible to create one.

  8. What, come back to a Bush presidency and Fall Out Boy?  Why in the h**l would anybody in the future want to subject themselves to that?

    All kidding aside, no.  If somebody was to come back and tell us that there are time machines in the future, doing so would change the course of history, which would affect the course of future events, which could alter the future invention of the time machine, meaning that person could never have come back in the first place to tell us about it.  This, in turn, means that the original course of events WASN'T altered... etc.  It creates a paradox, which could make the universe explode or other nasty side effects.

    Fortunately, we don't have to worry about it though, because time travel is impossible.
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