
Time management tips??

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at the start of this upcoming school year my schduele looks like this- A.P. Language and Composition, A.P. Governemnt, Honors Physics and Honors Analysis, Honors Theology ( i know what a waste), and Spanish III, then I will have hockey for the from september till march, while trying to mange a part time job. Im just wondering if you anyone had any tips for time management?? Thank you!




  1. Use a planner - you can get them at any office supply store for not much.

    Use it to keep track of your schedule / assignments.

    It really does help to keep you organized and not forget things.

    Prioritize - get the most important / critical things done first.

  2. a watch

  3. wow, that is a crazy schedule.  The only thing I can really say is, I hope you know your stuff.  

    (1) why sign up for honors theology if you think it is a waste?  I personally would have loved to have had that in HS, but if you can get out of it, it would help your load.  

    (2)  don't wait to start assignments till the day before.  As soon as you know you have an assignment, plan out a timetable of when you need to get things done.  Pace yourself.  Keep a dayplanner with a list of uncompleted tasks and due dates handy.

  4. As mentioned, use a planner.  Also, do your work first before talking on the phone, getting online, watching tv, etc.  If you put your work last at midnight after everything else, you will be exhausted and less likely to be able to keep up with everything.
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