
Time off for a job interview?

by  |  earlier

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I have a situation with a lot of little things going on:

1) I found out today (Monday) that I got a job interview Thursday morning.

2) I am really busy at work, so I don't think my boss will OK me taking vacation time for that day or morning on such short notice.

3) I don't want to take a sick day, because I don't want to lie--if I am offered the job, I am toying with the idea of telling my current employer to see if they'd offer to raise my salary. But that won't go over well if they can connect the dots and know I lied about the sick day.

4) I can't say I have an emergency doctor's appointment because my company allows us to use sick time for doctor's appointments, so I'd still be having the problem with No. 3.

What would you do? The job interview is a two-hour interview at 8:30 AM. Should I lie and come up with another "personal" excuse that makes it seem more OK to take some vacation time (like I had to take my cat to the vet, for example)?




  1. The first thing I would do is call and try to reschedule.  Many interviews are scheduled before work, after work and during lunch to avoid the problem you face.  If that's not possible, I would say I have a personal issue and need the morning off as vacation time.  Another option is to say you'll make up the time before or after regular hours.

    Good luck.

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