I have just given my 20 month old son his first time out sessoin and need some pointers.. We were playing on the punge and he threw his little wooden box at my head it smacked me in the cheek adn gave me a nasty cut, I smacked hi on the hand ( i was fuming I am just getting over other injuries he has given me) adn I got his blue chair and put it downt he end of the hallway facing the wall, he was crying and I sat him on the chair and said time out we throw things its not nice. He sat on the chair fora whole 2 minutes didnt move but he was crying. When the 2 min was up I went up to him and said "are you sorry" (even though he doesnt know what it means and he gave me a cuddle and I explained why we dont throw things and now everything is fine (except for my face lol) is this what I shouldve done, what are the rules with time out.
Can you give me the steps you do?