
Time seem's to be going faster.

by  |  earlier

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like when i was in elementry time use to go by SO sloow.

and know as im in junior high, time just keep's going faster and faster.

does this seem to be happin to you to?





  1. Yep, time goes faster the older you are. My thoughts on this:

    when you're ten, a year is a tenth of your life.

    when you're forty, a year is a fortieth of your life.

    time just seems shorter as you add another slice of it on top of the ever increasing stack.

    Another thing - when you're young the summer lasts forever, when you're old you barely even have time to reminisce...

  2. It sure does go faster.

  3. yeah, it happened to me


    i'm a college student

    and well

    college life is boring for a 15 year old

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