My mother in law thinks that because I chose to have children with her son, I should automatically want to spend every possible minute with him, and thinks because I go to a slimming class one night a week and go for a driving lesson another, this makes me the life and soul of the party! I very rarely go out on any other occasion, and she makes me feel bad for trying to have some 'me' time away from my other half and my kids, both whom I love dearly and we make a huge effort to spend one day of the weekend together. On the other hand, she thinks is perfectly acceptable for him to go out religiously one night a week with his friends to the pub.
She says I can't be a mum and be a party girl at the same time, but she doesn't understand I'm not out every weekend, falling in and out of different pubs, I go to friends houses for coffee or something, and I don't think its healthy for couples to spend every possible minute together!
My boyfriend and I don't disagree over this so why does she have a problem??
I'm 21, my boyfriend's 27.
Thanks in advance