
Time table for being accepted into a group !!!?

by  |  earlier

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Just a comment that i have waited over a week with three groups to verify acceptance. Not even a yes or no reply.. Week to me is long enough to wait ...........Am I wrong ?




  1. It may take up to 14 days for a moderator ow owner of the group to approve your membership - if their mail addresses are active of course. If not, find another group to join.

  2. It seems too long however we have been through  a holiday season so to give them the benefit of the doubt maybe they have been away and not checking their emails.  However, you could email the owner,  there will be an address at the bottom of the group cover page.  If they  still don't reply  it's time to look for other groups because if the owners have no interest you can be assured the members won't either and the  group is a dud.

  3. they may not have active owners, when it takes that long to be approved, it's not a good sign and you should maybe look for additional groups to join.

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