
Time to Say 'Goodbye' to the North Pole?

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I just read this thing that said that the North Pole (Arctic) will melt completely possibably this summer.

Here is the Link...

So what do you think will happen?

Are we pretty much screwed now?




  1. Ski Texas!

  2. I can't believe people are actually in denial about something as easy to prove as arctic sea ice extent.  Here is the data from last year (record melt) and this year:

    Clearly we're approaching last year's record melt, and may surpass it.  An ice free Arctic is a clear possibility.

    It's certainly a bad sign.  Not long ago scientists predicted this wouldn't happen for several decades.  Then one study said it might happen as soon as 5 years from now.  Now we see it could happen as early as this year.  It just means that the climate is changing faster than the scientists expected, which is a rather scary thought.

  3. Amazing.  There's more ice in the arctic today than last year.  These 'scientist' only give a 50/50 chance that the ice will be gone. (I'll take those odds), Temperatures are trending cooler, and people actually believe that there is no more ice on either pole.

    This is gvmt education at work!

  4. Wow, and I heard that aliens have landed and the Big Foot eat all the Presidential Candidates, George Bush and Al Gore(if only!).

    Have a look at this article.

  5. Dear Global warming alarmists (IDIOTS).

    The Earth is EXITING an ICE AGE. Gee, I wonder what that means?

    Do you know how many times that the Northern polar cap has melted?

    100's since we've had recorded history!

    Get over your new found religion  (its a CULT ) and your algore worship (algore is in it for the MONEY, $100,000,000+ at last count ).

  6. yes it is very true n we ppl gotta do sumthing u know b4 we COMPLETELY destroy the earth!!!and whoever says its all c**p, have dung for brains..

    guys this is serious!! the least we can do is raise AWARENESS!!!!Global warming is a serious thing

  7. Here is a pic and some info on the north pole 2007/2008.

    I no longer can form a meaningful opinion about this stuff.  But I did read the other day that the oceanic rifts bring a lot of lava up from the mantel.  Energy amount equivalent to man's production.  Maybe that is helping to warm the oceans???  I really don't know and it seems too complicated to forecast, predict or to control.

  8. More printed c**p from the lefties.  The depths of their alarmism are now so bad that this is what they come up with.

    I'll ignore it.

  9. There is an account in one of the Norse sagas of an arctic voyage where the sailors encountered no sea ice.  It is no big deal to have no ice at the pole.  It will open up the North West passage and result in a huge expansion of the wildlife in Northern North America and Siberia.  In prehistoric times the climate was much warmer, mammoths survived on Siberian islands almost into historic times.

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