
Time to give up on science?

by  |  earlier

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Has science discredited itself, from dark matter; miscalculations failing to take into account collissions. (What you see is what you get; Just look at the ****ing moon!) Anti Matter (Thanks for the flying car) and particle physics (A total waste of much needed energy looking for the answer 'It just does.')

Your view(s) here:




  1. Yep total failure. well except for curing polio and smallpox and the internet and television and space exploration and robots on mars and indoor plumbing but otherwise a total failure.

  2. It's not science itself that is the problem, it's the human condition when applied to anything. You get the range from one extreme to another, from genuis to stupidity, in one area we are moving forward, in others backwards, in still others there is no movement. Scientist have egos and egos can be jaded and corrupt!

  3. no don't give up in science its great fun and yes I know it can be boring and hard sometimes but remember the thrill of the first time you used the Bunsen burners

  4. if you want to give up on science, then thats fine by me... but if you do don't be a hypocrit.. that means giving up on all the things that science has delivered to mankind in the last 1000+ years

    that means going back to living  in caves, not using anything developed by science (like medicine, technology (no more internet, telephone, electricity....), going back to hunter gatherer lifestyle, no man-made fibres, no shops or similar .. you'll have to wear what you make yourself (or steal off others)

  5. Well, considering that every single worthwhile thing humanity has ever done is the result of science, no, we shouldn't give up on it.

    Where do you think that computer came from that you're asking us this question on?

    I mean, I can't see how you could possibly think this unless you're a complete idiot.

    And since most of your examples are, indeed, very idiotic and/or show a complete lack of understanding of the subjects you mention, I've got pretty good support for the idiot hypothesis.  In fact, I think we can take the idiot hypothesis into full blown theory.

    Science in action!

    I guess if you're content going through life not being able to answer any question with any reply other than 'it just does' then you're quite welcome to be a moron if that's what makes you happy.

  6. Have fun living in a tree with all the other morons who don't have a clue about science.

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